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In the News
148: No “I” in Apple 🍎 Thinpossibilities 📲 and Live Shazaming!
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In the News blog post for May 24, 2024:
00:00 There’s No “I” in Apple
07:55 Is That Me from 2003?
14:27 It’s Thinpossible
27:08 Hand Me Down Pads
30:06 Custom iKeyboard
34:13 Vision Pro Sizzle
44:13 Live Shazam!
48:01 Headline from 1989
51:44 Brett’s Favorite Wirecutter Tip: Quickly Remove Background from Photos
56:04 Jeff’s Favorite Wirecutter Tip: Fast Photography with Camera Shortcuts
Carlton Reid | Wired: The End of ‘iPhone’
Chance Miller | 9to5Mac: Apple elaborates on rare iOS 17.5 bug that resurfaced deleted photos
The Joy of Tech on iOS 17.5 bug
Wesley Hilliard | AppleInsider: iPad Pro hands on: Luxury technology in an impossibly-thin package
Jason Snell | Macworld: The future of the iPhone is coming but it’ll cost you dearly
Andrew Orr | AppleInsider: Old iPads are a staple in US homes, long after they've gone obsolete
Charles Martin | AppleInsider: If you want an iPad Pro Magic Keyboard that matches the Siri Remote, it'll cost you
William Gallagher | AppleInsider: Shazam can now run in the background with Live Activities
Ash Parrish | The Verge: Atari acquires longtime rival Intellivision
Brett’s Favorite Wirecutter Tip: Quickly remove the background from photos
Jeff’s Favorite Wirecutter Tip: Become a faster photographer with Camera shortcuts
Brett Burney from http://www.appsinlaw.com
Jeff Richardson from http://www.iphonejd.com
(upbeat music) - Welcome to In the News for May 24th, 2024.
My name is Brett Burney from appsinlaw.com - And this is Jeff Richardson from iPhone JD.
Good morning, Brett. - Good morning, Jeff.
It's good to see you.
It's good to talk about the iPad again.
Well, okay, let's talk about several things.
One of the first stories that you linked to today, which you even wrote about many years ago, which was just interesting.
I think today we take the I in iPhone and iPad for granted, but maybe there is some movement afoot to get rid of the I.
And as much as I was reading not only just your article, but then this one that you linked to and why, I'm like, oh yeah, we've already kind of started down that path, right?
I don't have an iWatch, I have an Apple Watch.
I don't have an iTV, I have an Apple TV.
A little bit interesting and a little bit sad, I think, to think that this could be an error that is over.
The I era may be kind of over, or at least starting down on that pathway. - Yeah, I think it is over.
I think that Apple has moved away from using the I in its products a long time ago.
The problem is that when it did use the I in its products, starting with the iMac and then with the iPod and the iPad and iPhone, is that so many of those, I mean, frankly, every one of those products became iconic and such that there was no reason for Apple to change the name.
I mean, now that the iPhone is the iPhone and everybody knows it, there's no reason for them to change the name.
They would have to change the product substantially.
There's just so much brand equity built up to it.
So the person that's featured in the Wired article, Ken Siegel, it's interesting because he is the one, he's the guy that was in the room.
He worked for the ad agency that worked with Apple back in the '90s, and he was the one, he was part of a small group of people that were pitching ideas to Steve Jobs for what to talk about it.
I've heard this story many times, and I'm still amazed by it because it seems so bizarre to me that one of the things that Steve Jobs was attracted to as a name was he was thinking of, you know, the Walkman was still an iconic brand for the iMacs from Sony.
And so he's like, well, if there's a Walkman, well, what if we called it the Mac-Man?
And to me, that name is so awkward that I'm like, how could that have possibly been a consideration?
And yet I will say this in its defense, perhaps the reason it sounds so awkward, I don't know if I can actually believe this, but perhaps the reason it sounds so awkward is just that we're not used to it.
And I say that because I know when the iPad came out, some people made fun of the name 'cause they're like, oh, it's like a pad, I don't know, whatever.
They thought it was a silly name.
I remember when the Nintendo Wii came out, people thought the name Wii sounded funny.
But you get used to names over time.
But the other funny thing about the story is that he describes how once he thought that iMac was the one to do, he pitched a bunch of names to Steve Jobs and Steve Jobs didn't like iMac.
And so then he came back the next day and pinched a bunch of other names, but he kept iMac in there.
And he said that some of the other names were really just ringers.
They were things that Steve Jobs would reject so that when he came to iMac the second time, Steve was like, okay, well, maybe it's growing on me now.
And then, so I think it's sort of a fun story.
So it's a nice trip down memory lane of where did these titles come from?
And then of course, it was because of the iMac that we led to everything else.
For many, many years now, Apple has instead switched to using the word Apple in the name.
So it's Apple, Apple Notes, Apple Mail, Apple Watch.
And so I'm sure the Apple Vision Pro.
So I think in the future, it's gonna be the word Apple, not the small letter I, but still these products that have the I in them are gonna stick around for a very, very, very long time.
And just as a side note, people still think about this, Brett, because that post that you showed before that I wrote back in 2009, how many years ago was that? - 2009, that's right.
You look at web statistics on a website and this post still gets a lot of hits.
So people still do a lot of Google searches about why the I in iPhone.
So I just think it's funny, but it's sort of an ever, it's still a topic on people's mind. - That's fantastic.
Okay, so I see this little picture you had in here.
Did the I originally stand for internet?
Although in this little picture from your post, you had internet, individual, instruct, inform, inquire.
That's a Steve Jobs slide on there.
But I've always assumed that the I stood for the internet 'cause at the time, we take this for granted today, but at the time, that was interesting that like, hey, a computer can actually connect to the internet very easily without like a modem, a separate modem, all that kind of stuff.
It's all built in. - Yeah, it reminds me, there's this concept, there's this term called a bacronym where you first come up with the acronym and then you find a way to make it make sense.
And I think that that's what happened here is that once they had the I, which I think Ken Segal says, I don't know if it's Segal or Segal, but he says that it really was for internet.
I think that Steve Jobs then found some other reasons for the word I that he used in his slide.
But it's hard to remember this, but back in the '90s, it was actually hard to get on the internet.
You could pay for something like AOL, which would indirectly get you there, but computers, it was not very easy to do.
And one of the, exactly, and one of the big parts of the iMac is that it was so simple that you did not have to get a separate modem and figure all that stuff out.
I mean, the famous iconic commercial that Jeff Goldblum narrated was you just take the iMac and you plug it into the wall and you plug it into your phone line and that's it.
There is no step three was the ad.
And I think that, so, at the time, it was pretty revolutionary that the iMac made it easy to get on the internet.
So there's no question in my mind that the I originally stood for internet.
Back in the days when getting on the internet was a pretty special thing.
Nowadays, the internet is so around us, we don't even think about it. - The I began with the iMac.
Apparently other discarded names included Rocket Mac, Every Mac. - Every Mac, I don't know about that one. - The Macster, the Macster, I don't like how you think that.
But just like you said, it was apparently, CD Jobs was truly leaning heavily towards the Mac Man, just simply because, at the time, again, this is hard for us to imagine, other than for those of us of a certain age and vintage Jeff that can remember the Walkman.
I mean, that was amazing that you could literally walk down the street with the cassette player in your headphones.
I mean, just the fact that you could walk around.
So I do understand, I think, why Steve was drawn to that, because it would just seem like that was amazing to us that we could just walk down the street anywhere and have the music with us like that, without having a big, lugging around a big boom box of some kind.
And so I can't see where Steve Jobs, I think, would have been drawn to that Mac Man from the Walkman.
But yeah, I'm glad that Ken, and he's told this story several times.
In this story from Wired, just quickly, it reminds me, I remember this now in this picture, 2014 was when the Apple Watch was introduced.
Tim Cook was on the stage introducing it.
But in an ABC News interview, he did slip, and he did call it the iWatch at the time.
So that just tells me that there was probably some internal discussions, maybe many discussions, about which way to go with this, if it was the Apple Watch or the iWatch.
I don't know, I think we all assumed it was going to be the iWatch, just because of the branding aspects on there.
I don't know, I can't say that I'm happy either way with the Apple Watch, but I think I do see sort of the writing on the wall that it is going, that the eye is probably gonna be going away.
But man, what do we call it then, Jeff?
What do we call the iPhone at that point?
I don't know if I could just say the Apple phone.
I don't know, I feel like I'm gonna always have the iPhone.
It's just seared into our brains these days, which is interesting.
Another thing you reported on, which I don't know that I saw this past week, but apparently some people saw some pictures, some photos on their camera that they had deleted several years ago, and they were back.
You can maybe explain this a little bit more, 'cause I just heard people talking about this a little bit, and this morning I did upgrade to iOS 17.5.1, which apparently fixes the bug, but now I feel like I've gotta go back and see, was I even affected by the bug originally?
Yeah, so when iOS 17.5 and iPadOS 17.5 came out last week, there was this bug that would, I mean, it wasn't a brand new, I mean, it was a bug that had exposed something that had been there for a while.
For a long time, apparently there had been some corruption in the database on a small number of iPhones, so that even if you had deleted a picture, it got sort of stuck.
It wasn't showing up in photos, but it was still somewhere in the background in memory.
It was like in the files app is what, yeah, the files app is what people, yeah.
And apparently iOS 17.5 made those photos resurface again, which was interesting, because sometimes these photos had been deleted, not just long ago in time, but even long ago in generations.
They're like, I deleted that, like I might use an iPhone 15 today, but I deleted that photo on my iPhone 10 way back when.
So how could it come back?
And the answer is that, and Apple has now explained this, that when people would get a new iPhone, you could set it up from scratch, but most people would restore from a backup or migrate from one to the other, 'cause you wanna have all your settings and all your files and stuff like that.
And so you are not only carrying over your app settings and everything else, you were also carrying along this corrupted database that still had that image in it.
So when it finally comes out in 17.5, some people were freaked out.
They're like, oh my goodness, did it download from the iCloud?
Like, was this picture up in the cloud somewhere?
And Apple's like, no, no, no, no.
It was never part of your iPhoto's backup or your photos back into the cloud.
It was just right there on your device, but it did show up.
And of course, the thing that made the news is some, and I don't know that this actually happened, but the speculation was that, oh, well, what if you had a sensitive picture, you know, like a nude picture or something that you deleted, and suddenly it shows up again.
It could certainly be startling.
Again, I don't know if that actually happened in real life, but nevertheless, a picture that you've deleted a long time ago coming back is not something that you would want.
And so now apparently Apple has fixed it.
I'm hoping that they fixed the actual database corruption so that it's not gonna happen in the future.
But the interesting thing about the fix is, so the fix came out just a week later, which is very fast for Apple to release a new update after a while.
We know that from history.
So they actually, you know, put the pedal all the way down and got this one fixed quickly.
But if you did upgrade to iOS 17.5, and then if you this week upgraded again to 5.1, if you were caught with the bug, and Apple isn't saying how many people were, apparently it's a very small percentage, but apparently if you were caught with the bug, the update doesn't fix it.
All the update does is it means that if somebody had not yet updated and they go straight to 17.5.1, skipping 17.1 completely, it means that they will have never, there's no chance they would see the bug in the first place.
But for those people who were bitten by the bug, apparently it's still there.
And so that's why I was joking in my post today, I've got 65,000 photos on my iPhone.
I have no idea if one of those is something that I deleted.
So I mean, maybe years from now, I'll suddenly discover, and if it is something I deleted, most likely it's, I usually take a hundred photos when I'm on vacation and you save 10 of them, but you never know which are gonna be the good ones until the very end.
And so it's probably gonna be something silly like that.
But it's worth, so years from now, if you did update last week and then you updated again this week, if years from now you find an old photo that you're like, gosh, I really imagine I would have deleted that.
I mean, it all stemmed back to here.
So I just think it's interesting because we all assume that when you delete something, it's gone or at least more or less gone.
The iPhone gives you 30 days to undelete, but then after that 30 days, you would think that a deleted photo is really deleted.
So. - I feel like this could be a little bit more of a mess than that even Jeff.
I mean, one of the main questions I still get from family and friends is, hey, my iPhone's full.
I'm running out of space.
And what is the main culprit in that?
It's always the photos and videos, right?
Yeah, exactly, that people are storing.
So I haven't seen any of this.
I haven't looked hard enough, I guess, but I haven't seen this address anywhere, but does that mean the photos are getting put back into the photos collection, which means that then it hits your storage component on there, I don't know.
And I don't know how many photos it's gonna be, that kind of a thing, but that's one of the first things that I thought of.
And then the second one here. - And just to add on Brad, I haven't heard anybody say, if you were bitten by the bug, I don't know, does it mean that one photo came back?
Does it mean a thousand photos?
I actually don't know the answer to that.
My assumption is it's just a few, but I actually don't know, 'cause so few people have actually had this bug.
I mean, enough have that it had to be fixed, but anyway, so go ahead. - Yeah, at the bottom of this article from Chance Miller at 9 to 5, I thought it was good.
You just alluded to this quickly.
If you do find photos that you deleted in your photos app that you delete again, I guess, right?
Just know that delete doesn't mean delete, right?
We've been saying this for years with the Windows side, there is a recently deleted album in your photos app.
So if you delete it from your main photo roll, I still call it the photo roll, then it goes into the recently deleted album folder.
And so it stays there for 30 days, just like you said, Jeff, but you have to go into the recently deleted album folder and delete for sure, like delete from all devices, right?
Because it does stay in there for those 30 days and it'll delete it after there.
But anyway, and it'll ask, do you want to delete from all devices?
Because at that point, if it's back in the photos roll, that means that it's also synchronizing with your iCloud account, right?
Which means now it's on your Mac photos and it's on your iPad photos and all the other places.
Wow, the more I think about this, it's a little bit of a mess, but I'm very glad that Apple quickly addressed it.
And I'm so happy you linked to the Joy of Tech cartoon today.
I don't want to ruin it.
You can go and read the Joy of Tech for yourself there and see how other people interpret this issue.
It's thin possible, Jeff.
I know what we talked about last week about your brand new iPad Pro and how thin it is and how jealous I am right now.
But a couple of interesting articles here, you linked to one about the iPad Pro and then Jason Snell talking about a potential iPhone Ultra.
Let's talk about this.
I like how Wesley Hilliard here in Apple Insider calls the luxury technology in an impossibly thin package.
Now he's talking about the iPad Pro here.
I thought this was a very well done, short, concise, and to the point review here of the iPad Pro.
He goes really through everything and really just interesting.
But it did get me thinking of sort of that higher end component here with maybe what Apple is continuing to kind of hit.
Although, for the rest of us, the masses, there's always the iPad Air, the iPad Normal.
There's other options there, but man, is Apple getting ready to push maybe even more into that luxury end market?
We'll have to see soon. - Yeah, it's an interesting theory.
It was the premise of my review as well because as I put it out when I did the review that originally the iPad Pro was often the one that you went to if you just wanted the bigger size, but you don't need to get the Pro for the bigger size.
You can now get the bigger size in the Air.
And so nowadays, the real reason to go with the iPad Pro is if you just want the luxury item.
You know, you're spending, you know, it's worth it to you because you spend a couple of hundred dollars more to actually get the nicer iPad with the beautiful screen.
I will tell you, it truly is nice.
I mean, just as a small note, you know, I've now been using this new iPad Pro for I guess a week and a half now.
And the OLED screen on it, you know, I've joked in my review, nobody cares how good the screen looks if you're just working on Microsoft Word or you're just looking at the internet.
But I'll tell you, Brett, although technically that's true, it's also not true because I will tell you, even 10 days in, I'm just sitting here using this iPad, even for something as mundane as a web browser or just looking at a Microsoft Word document.
And I still find myself amazed at how beautiful the screen is.
And I'm surprised that I feel that way because the iPhone that you and I both use, the 15 Pro, it has a beautiful OLED screen too.
And although I do like it, I no longer look at it and think, you know, it's not every day that I'll look at my iPhone and think, oh my goodness, what a beautiful screen.
But with my iPad, I'm still doing that.
And I think the reason I'm doing it is because it's such a big screen that when it looks, I mean, OLED looks beautiful.
That's why it's the nicest televisions use OLED.
This is even nicer than normal OLED because it's the tandem OLED that's so nice and bright.
I still just, I mean, again, what price do you put on just the fact that it's nice?
I mean, that's just like saying, what price do you put on the fact that you drive a nicer car than you necessarily need to drive?
And so this idea that it's just this premium product that is gonna be appreciated by people that want something that's lighter to hold and it's really thin and it's a beautiful screen.
And that's what I think that this review from Wesley does to Aptos as well, is it's just nicer all the way around.
So that was one of the things I liked about his review.
One more thing I'll talk about before we move on to this, the Jason Snell point that you mentioned before is this review does a good job.
Not many of the reviewers compared the regular screen with the nano texture screen.
And he does it here.
He has some pictures.
In fact, he actually has a slide. - Here it is. - If you go down, is that where you can actually on the picture slide across.
Maybe it's still there. - Oh yeah, here it is. - And so he does a nice job of putting the two screens there.
And so you can see that, on the one hand, you can't see a glare with the nano texture, but on the other hand, it sort of diffuses it across the screen.
And even if you're looking at things that are, even if you're not in a situation where you have a lot of glare, when you have the nano texture in your screen, it does make things a little bit more muted, which makes sense.
'Cause it's like a matte screen as opposed to a glossy screen.
So you just need to decide.
I mean, I think that I personally would prefer the vibrance of a glossy screen, even though it might have a little bit of glare because I can just move my iPad.
But again, if you're in a situation where glare is such a huge problem because you use your iPad outside all the time, then maybe it's worth it to you to lose a little bit of clarity to get that screen.
But anyway, I thought his review did a particularly nice job as you're showing right now on the video of doing this.
But back to your other point, that the idea that this iPad Pro, it's just, for people that really don't mind spending a couple hundred dollars more to get a premium product, what if that came to the iPhone 2?
And that was the idea that Jason Snow was exploring in his article.
And the thing that prompted him to explore it is the fact that there's one of these rumors out there is that we're gonna have an iPhone in the future, which is gonna be even higher end.
And I think anything's possible, who knows, but they might go that way.
But I actually do think that there's something to this because people love their iPhones so much and they use them for so long that if you told somebody as expensive as the iPhone or the iPhone Pro is, would you pay a few hundred dollars more if you got something that was truly premium?
And I do think that a lot of people, and I'm not even sure, maybe I put myself in this camp, I don't know, maybe, depends on what it was.
But a lot of people would say the iPhone is so important to me that I actually would spend even more money if you gave something that was really special.
And Jason talks about what really special might mean is like even thinner, much like this new iPad Pro is- - Sure. - Thintastic or whatever, an even thinner iPhone or maybe an even better screen if it used, I don't know what a tandem OLED screen would do on an iPhone as opposed to the iPad, but maybe it would make it even brighter than 1600 nits in the highest.
I don't know what it would do, but just whatever the features are, the question is, would there be a market for a super high end premium iPhone?
And I don't know, Brett, I think maybe there would be.
What do you think?
I think people would buy it. - I do, I do, absolutely.
But it would have to be something that would just really make you stop in your tracks.
For example, Jason has this little, you know, a clip from a patent that Apple has.
And of course, Apple files, you know, hundreds of thousands of patents every year.
So it's not, and they don't necessarily act on it.
But as I was reading through here, I'm like, okay, yeah, okay, okay.
But what could it be?
And one of the things is a foldable phone.
I've got a colleague at work.
I can't remember what model it is, but it is, it's an Android phone, obviously.
And it does fold, and he's got it to where it's almost like a square, but it's got a screen on that.
Then he opens it up, and it's a bigger, you know, what we would think of as a normal phone screen today.
And at first, I kind of look at it thinking, oh my goodness, who needs that?
But man, it really, you know, he pops it open and he flips it, it's the old flip kind of a phone.
You know, I'm not saying that it needs to be that way.
I'm just saying, if something was really amazing, like if something really caught your eye, when it comes to the iPhone, absolutely.
Of course there were.
I mean, for me, comparing it to something like the Vision Pro, is there a market for that?
I don't know.
I mean, you know, there was a lot of Oculus's, Meta things, you know, that were sold, but it wasn't like a huge market.
But I just remember that day, 'cause not only did you get it, Jeff, I remember that day I was in downtown New York when it came out, and the number of people that walked out of the Apple Store with a Vision Pro, and you know, I'm not judging anybody, but I'm looking at these folks and I'm like, okay, well, you're not like a tech journalist.
I don't recognize who you are.
You just seem like you're a normal person.
And yet you've gone and plunked down a lot of cash for something that may or may not have, exactly.
And so that's sort of, you know, from a comparison standpoint, and to me, you know, Apple would have to get something, and I don't mean it has to be absolutely spectacular, but it certainly has to be something that makes us, you know, stop and go, oh, like a foldable phone, something that's even more flexible, something, you know, who knows, I mean, that's what they have lots and lots of people to think about on there.
But so that answer to that is yes.
Just quickly, I just wanna go back to the Apple Insider here from this review for Wesley, I believe.
I don't know why Apple just doesn't hire Wesley to create this little picture here.
When somebody asks, do I need a nanotexture?
If you just look at this picture here, (laughing) I mean, there's no question in my mind that I would never get a nanotexture screen 'cause this, the glossy, the regular tandem OLED one now just looks so spectacular.
Okay, and then the last thing quickly I wanna ask Jeff, Wesley here does a great job talking about the Apple Pencil Pro.
And I thought about you immediately when I read this because he says he didn't have that hover technology before.
And I know that you didn't either, Jeff.
I would just like to hear quickly, what do you think so far about the Apple Pencil Pro?
I didn't even realize this little picture that he has here.
If you squint, you can see when he's in the fountain pen that there's a shadow of a fountain pen underneath the Apple Pencil when you get close to the screen on the iPad.
That blew my mind, Jeff.
How are you working with the Apple Pencil Pro so far? - I'm very happy with it.
I'm still putting my thoughts together, which is the reason that I haven't written a formal review on it yet.
Because ironically, the Apple Pencil is so important to me.
I use it so much that I really need to take my time with it some more.
I will tell you that the thing about the fountain pen, I've seen the stuff on that.
I actually don't use a lot of apps that have a fountain pen as an option.
So I'm not seeing it, for example, in GoodNotes or in PDF Expert or something like that, because I don't tend to use the graphical programs.
But Apple did create, there's a post that's been floating around the internet that Apple actually created 10 different outlines for 10 different pen functions.
Things like a marker, a fine point pen, a fountain pen, a brush, so that you could have different shadows.
So it just goes to show the time and effort they put into this.
The hover feature, for example, that you were just mentioning.
Although again, that came out two years ago, but I never had the second to most recent iPad.
Neither did you.
So this was the first time I've tried hover.
It's interesting because as you're about to put the pen close to the screen, this little dot shows up.
And sometimes it's a little distracting because I'm like, oh, wait a minute.
Is there like some, you know, something I need to erase on here?
Did I mistakenly already tap it?
So I'm still getting used to hover. - Okay. - I will tell you though, that things like the pinch gesture where you come up with the little menu, it truly does change the way that you think about the pencil because the first couple of days, I found myself thinking, oh, that floating little tablet, that sort of like a semicircle, it's just getting in my way.
And then now that I've been doing it for about a week, I've learned to be, okay, yes, the tablet just sort of shows up because sometimes you pinch it by accident, but you can just ignore it and keep writing.
And so you need to sort of train yourself to ignore it if it shows up mistakenly.
But then when it shows up on purpose, it actually is a lot more convenient to move your pencil, like, you know, a centimeter to pick a new pen as opposed to moving up to the top of the screen.
And so, you know, I'm still, suffice it to say that my review so far is, number one, I'm thrilled to see new features in the pencil. - Okay, good. - Great stuff.
Number two, these specific new features are nice, but you do have to get used to them because they really do change a bunch.
And some of them I don't really even use that much because like, for example, the barrel roll feature, I have seen it work, I have used it, but it's really only useful if you're using a pen that's like really like a brush, something that's long but thin, so that, you know, it would actually make a difference whether it's, you know, is it going left to right or is it going up to down, then you can sort of move the barrel.
But that's not a feature that I normally use when I'm just sort of taking handwritten notes and stuff like that.
So some features are more useful than others.
The haptic feedback is a fantastic feature.
So it's definitely an upgrade, definitely a move up. - Okay, good. - Considering that it's only $30 more, if you're gonna get a new pencil because you get a new model, I would definitely spend the extra 30 bucks on it.
But my thoughts are still sort of coalescing on the pencil.
So interesting. - Review to come soon. - Review to come.
And yet another one, by the way, it's called the Apple Pencil, not the iPencil.
So for the proof that Apple is moving on. - Thank you for, that's just weird 'cause you're right.
Now that's the Apple Pencil used with the iPad.
Okay, now this is just gonna mess with my brain all day because it's like, is that an Apple device or an iDevice?
I don't know.
Speaking of iDevices, your old iPad, you were able to resell it or trade in your old iPad Pro 12.9 inch.
And Apple did you very good on giving you a good value for that, which is pretty encouraging.
Just to be clear, I think you had a 512 gig iPad Pro, is that right, Jeff?
And it was obviously in good condition on there.
So your mileage may vary obviously on what kind of a trade in that Apple gives you.
Although I will say, they do a really good job in the purchase page, right, Jeff?
Of going through when you select your new iPad, you can even put in that you have this iPad, you're trading it in.
I think it may ask for the serial number.
I think that's the main thing that it asked for.
And so they'll give you like a value.
And then of course, they only give you the full amount, I think, once you get the trade in, right?
And you send it in.
Anyway, all that to say, I made it more confusing than it really is.
It's very easy to do that.
But an interesting article you linked to in Apple inside of from Andrew Orr about what to do with your old iPads.
You traded yours in, but I know I still got a drawer maybe of like three or four old iPads from back to the day, just because we hold onto them for a long time, Jeff.
We didn't always trade them in every time. - Yeah, and you know, I only traded this one in because I thought Apple was giving me enough money for it.
Frankly, if Apple had said, we'll only give you 100 or 200 for it, which is certainly what they would say for some older models, I probably wouldn't have traded it in.
I would have like, gosh, for that much money, it's worth it for me just to keep it around.
And so, you know, it's a decision that you need to make on a case by case basis.
And some products Apple tends to offer more money for and others they don't.
And so for the ones that they don't, yeah, it is.
But the premise of this article is that what he is suggesting based on these statistics is that of all the old Apple products, the iPad is one that people tend to push down the most.
And I think there's a good reason for it because I think of all the products, the iPad is the one that really does have a lot of staying value.
I mean, as I was pointing out in the article, my daughter has my first generation iPad Pro.
And when I look at her use it, it's definitely slow.
Like when she goes to like, every time she selects on something, you have to sort of wait a second.
And for me, that would drive me crazy.
But if you're just going to use it to watch some videos or whatever, it's not really a big deal.
I mean, it does that perfectly fine.
Or just look at pictures.
And so they, you know, iPads uniquely have a lot of staying value.
And you know, you can definitely get a lot of use it in your house home.
Heck, I just saw yesterday some article that there's some app you can get in the app store that does nothing more than turn your iPad into a dedicated photo viewer.
So you could just sort of stick it up in the corner of your house and just have it continuously play.
You know, I guess you plug it in for the battery and stuff like that, but just continuously play videos and play photos and stuff just as if it was a live photo frame.
And so there's so many values for old iPads, especially compared to other Apple technology.
So I thought this was an interesting article. - I am currently sitting in front of my silver MacBook Pro, Jeff, that has a beautiful black keyboard.
If you have the iPad Pro, you can get the magic keyboard and it's either going to be all black or it's going to be all silver.
I don't even think, I wish I could be this creative as who did this?
His name is Sigmund Judge, an Apple TV enthusiast that decided, I don't want an all black magic keyboard or an all silver magic keyboard.
I want it to look like, well, he was comparing it to the Apple TV remote.
I think it looks a little bit more like my silver MacBook Pro.
He bought both the black magic keyboard and the silver magic keyboard.
And he took the black keys from the black keyboard and put them into the silver keyboard.
Am I right?
This is just amazing how much work he put into this.
But I think the end result is absolutely fantastic.
I love this. - Yeah.
By the way, Sigmund Judge, he has a number of, he's very involved with the world.
He has a podcast, for example, called "Magic Rays of Light," which I always thought was an interesting name for the podcast. - Ooh, that's pretty. - They talk about Apple TV Plus shows and stuff like that.
And so it's a cute little podcast to check out.
So he's very much involved as well.
But anyway, you're right.
When you look at the magic keyboard for iPad, you either get the black keys with black background or you get the white keys with silver background, both of which I think look pretty good.
But I have to admit, I thought those keyboards, either one of them, I thought they both looked really sharp.
And then once I saw what he did with the black keys and the silver one, I'm like, that's the best of all of them.
The version that Apple did not make, and again, maybe it's because, as you say, it reminds us of the MacBook. - The MacBook Pro, right. - And that's probably the reason why Apple didn't do it is maybe they didn't want to go down that route, but it really does look pretty sharp.
Now, removing keys from a keyboard, popping them off without them breaking, and then every single one, and you have to spend an additional 600 bucks or whatever it is, or I forget, I guess the 350H.
So an additional $350, you get another keyboard, and hopefully, I mean, you have to have nerves of steel and a much steadier hand than I do.
But give him credit, he did it.
And the end product, he has a very unique looking magic keyboard that nobody else has, and it looks really good, really good. - Maybe this is the luxury product, right, Jeff?
It's like, I mean, if you want to spend double the amount of money, but I don't want to do these keys.
I would have to pay somebody like Sigmund Judge to replace all these keys.
Just one thing real quick, I'm a little confused on these pictures 'cause neither you nor I have the magic keyboard yet, but the return key on here, where is this coming from?
Do you see this little picture here?
It's a weird shape on there, but then on the other hand, if I go back up here to the main keyboards, it doesn't look that, I'll have to look into this a little bit, I don't understand where some of those keys come from, are you seeing this, what I'm talking about here? - Yeah, you are very-- - Like in the original, the main-- - You are very eagle-eyed to see the distinction.
In fact, I'm looking right now-- - Hang on, I know, I'm gonna go to Apple, Apple.com right now 'cause I wanna know about this, if that is something that they have.
That return key just looks, it's almost like vertical in its way, here, let me scroll down here, I wanna see a picture from Apple themselves and see.
I don't know that they sell a different version of that keyboard or anything.
Here we go. - Yeah, because as I look on the website, the new Magic Keyboard just has a regular return, when I say regular, it's like a-- - The regular one, okay, okay. - Yeah, so I'm not exactly sure-- - Oh, good. - What he was showing a close-up of there, over there. - Yeah. - Interesting. - Interesting, okay, good, but I just wanted to double-check on that because I'm like, what, that doesn't sound right.
Okay, anyway, we'll figure out where maybe that has come from, I don't know if he is getting from another keyboard, anyway. - Maybe so. - Just really kind of cool that somebody is that creative about doing that.
Let's go to the Apple Vision Pro.
We haven't talked about it in a couple of weeks because we've all been about the new iPads coming out, but something that I know that you have, not complained about, but pointed out, Jeff, that while it's amazing to watch a couple of these, I remember it was the lady on the tightrope, whatever that was, right, how amazed you were watching that little video, but that was it.
We needed more content, you wanted more content.
Well, looks like Apple was listening to you.
Now you get to not only watch tightropes, but also parkour, apparently in Paris.
I bet this is gonna be, wait, you've already watched this, right?
Is it out already or is it coming? - Yeah. - Oh, you did, okay. - Yeah, they are very, very cool.
So, you know, the Apple Vision Pro shines the most when you watch immersive videos.
And they are these videos where you can look up, down, left, right, they're 180 degrees, and between it being so much around you, and because the quality of the video is just so good.
I mean, they use these cameras that are just, I'm so incredibly high end and everything's so colorful and vibrant and bright.
Plus, of course, because the Vision Pro has very nice high quality displays for each one of your eyes. - Right. - But the end result is that when you watch these immersive videos, it is like you are there.
I haven't experienced anything else in life that has so transported me and so just convinced me.
I mean, again, of course you know you're not there.
But the problem is there's not that many of these immersive videos.
I mean, maybe a dozen of them or something like that.
And I had so hoped, and again, this is, I hate to complain because they're so amazing, but it would have made me even happier if Apple had come out with new content like every week or whatever, as opposed to every month.
But the good news is we do have more content coming.
And so first of all, the second episode in the series called "Adventure," the first one was the tightrope, which was perhaps my favorite of all of them. - Okay, yes, yes. - The second one, I watched it last night, it's called "Parkour."
It's these three guys that are just incredibly talented in the parkour, you know, jumping from one thing to another thing, you know what parkour is.
And they're doing it in Paris. - They're Spider-Man, basically. - So you get the advantage of these incredible views of Paris, including many places that I've been to before, like right next to the Eiffel Tower, and places that are very familiar to someone that has walked around Paris before, and other places in the outskirts.
So that part was fun, seeing Paris immersively, but then seeing these guys jump around and do things that, I mean, it takes your breath away.
And if I had been watching, my son and I were talking about this, 'cause after I finished watching, he watched it too.
And we were talking about that, like if I had just watched a YouTube video or even a show on television, on my big, beautiful OLED television that showed these guys jumping around, it would have been interesting, but it would not have been exhilarating.
But for me, when I was wearing my Apple Vision Pro, I'm like, I'm not joking.
Like my heart was literally pumping.
Not that that doesn't happen sometimes with a movie, but it was just, I was so close to the action and it was so intense because it was this virtual environment that I felt like I was there.
It really added to it.
So in addition to the fact that what the guys were doing was cool, where they were was cool, it was a beautiful video camera and everything else, the immersive nature of it added an additional element that you just would not have without a Vision Pro.
So that was really cool.
And the other video that they released last night was, people call it the sizzle reel.
It's like this three minutes demo. - The sizzle reel, right. - It's the demo, it's called, if you have an Apple Vision Pro, and I know some people, so few people do, you go to the Apple TV+ app and look for the word immersive.
And it's like an example of immersive stuff.
And they have this video.
In fact, it's the video that you see if you go to the Apple store and you do a demo of an Apple Vision Pro, you see a version of this video.
So my hope is that since they updated it last night, they'll also update the version that you see if you go to an Apple store.
I haven't heard confirmation of that yet, but I'm sure they're gonna do that.
Some of the content in this little snippet, in this sizzle reel is the same as before.
And it was really good content.
Like for example, a little snippet from a soccer game.
And there's this one snippet where these hippos come up to you and they're like baby hippos, they're so cute.
And you feel like they're right there, but they have other content added in there too.
And one of the things that I thought was particularly, first of all, there's an underwater one with sharks that looks really neat.
But so I guess that's gonna be a future adventure episode coming out in the next few months.
But another one that was neat is unlike just the soccer, they also had like a clip from a basketball game where you're sitting right there on the sidelines.
And people spend thousands of dollars on sideline seats for a basketball game.
I never had it before.
But once you get like a taste of it in this app, now I can, in this video, now I get to get a sense of why people spend this much money because it truly is a different experience when you are right there so close to the court.
And it's a little bit of a gimmick, but you know how when you watch a 3D movie in a theater, one of the gimmicks that they sometimes do is have something come right towards the camera.
It's like, whoa, there it goes.
So when you're watching that, not to spoil it, but when you're watching the basketball game, there's a point where the basketball literally comes straight at the camera.
And my first thought was these Apple cameras must be tens of thousands of dollars.
And I hope they didn't just break it with this basketball hitting it.
But it really does make you jump. - You're so practical. - It's so realistic.
So, but they have a basketball game.
They have a football game.
It was in America.
I think it was the Superbowl, if I remember correctly.
And they had a golf game, like somebody hitting a putt into a golf hole where the camera is right there next to the hole.
And it's incredibly realistic.
I mean, it's like, wow, I've never seen anything like this before.
So sports do incredibly well for immersive content, but they also have some new videos.
So, you know, I was thrilled to get two new pieces of content last night.
We have one new thing coming next week too, by the way.
And I'm sure I'll post to this next week.
But Marvel on Disney Plus, they have a series called "What If?"
It's been around forever.
It used to be an old comic book series where they take like, you know, what if, you know, Spider-Man and Superman were best friends and they'll have like an episode about that.
Just sort of like getting out of the canon of the universe, but just having fun with the characters.
And so they've long had a series of "What If?"
videos on Disney Plus so that if you subscribe, you can watch those things.
And they're just a fun way for fans of certain characters to get more value out of the character.
But they have a "What If?"
episode coming out next week, which is going to be, it's basically gonna be immersive.
So it's as if some of the, they're cartoon characters, by the way, not real characters, but they're cartoon characters that would apparently will come into your universe.
So again, I'll post more about that next week.
And I actually, I heard that Disney's actually given previews of that video.
I think it's like an hour long to people like Jason Stone and others.
So I'm sure we're gonna actually see some reviews of it before next week.
But the point is between the two that dropped last night and the one coming next week, we now have three new immersive video things for the Vision Pro, which is good.
Again, I realized when I talk about the Vision Pro like this, I know that nobody, so few people that I know even have one yet.
But the more that this content comes out- - It's still interesting. - And at some point in the future, more people will have it two years from now, five years from now. - Right. - And then we'll have all this back catalog and it'll be even faster to come out with new information, new videos, and we'll have even more.
But I just, I got to end up and say, this immersive stuff, Brett, this is the real deal.
This is, I mean, I know the Vision Pro is overpriced.
I know it was perhaps quote unquote, a waste of money to spend so much on something that's such a beta product.
But when you spend 10 minutes looking at a video like this, you're like, oh my goodness, what an incredible experience that was that I would not have had, but for this product, it's just amazing. - Jeff, I'm not the biggest fan of heights.
And so just hearing you talk about this parkour video, I don't know.
You know, here, I'm also thinking about the way, what, with the Vision Pro has been out three months, about three months right now, is that right?
Somewhere around there, maybe a little bit more.
I still have not gone to an Apple store and done the demo.
And now I want to see baby hippos and pet them.
But now I'm thinking if I go there, maybe this parkour one will be there.
And I don't know.
Now that I think about it, I don't know if I want to see the tightrope or the parkour.
It's like, let's just have a regular video, right?
Instead of something that's scary for me.
Anyway, interesting.
Real quick.
Yeah, go ahead. - If you do want to go to an Apple store and try out a Vision Pro, there's actually been a bunch, a lot of news about this lately, that apparently this is all anecdotal, but people are saying that the Apple stores are not selling them that very, I mean, again, it's a high-end product and the people that were interested bought them in the first week.
And so like, for example, I saw a report from David Sparks the other day.
He was saying that he's out in California and he went to the local Apple store and they had this nice little area for the Vision Pro try-ons, like these curved couches.
You could sit there.
And he said that it was completely empty.
And he asked the people in the store and they say that, you know, we might sell one of these every once in a while, but like so few people are coming into the stores to try them on.
I say all of this because in the very beginning, it was actually hard to get an appointment.
But if you do happen to find yourself anywhere close to an Apple store, my understanding is that not many people are buying these.
And so not many people are trying them on and you don't have to wait that long to get a demo.
So, you know, give yourself a half an hour treat and just go try it on, see what it's like. - It's a treat, a treat for the eyes.
I might do that actually.
I'll have to see that.
I'm actually in Los Angeles today.
And I know there's a couple of really nice Apple stores here that I always go and enjoy.
There's one like an old theater, right?
We've talked about it before.
Anyway, I might have to see because that, you're right.
You know, it was such an onslaught in that first month or two when they came out, but yeah, it's time maybe to go get my Apple Vision Pro demo.
I think I'm probably avoiding it to some extent, Jeff, just because I know that once I do it, there's no going back.
So I'm like, okay, well, as long as I don't go there, I don't know what I'm missing a little bit as much other than I just get to watch vicariously through you.
One of the apps that we have loved for a long, long time is Shazam, not only because of the name, but I like it so much now, Jeff, that I actually have it as a widget on my lock screen because I, you know, it was always like, okay, oh, there's a song and it's getting ready to end 'cause I walked into a store or something like that.
And I have to unlock my phone, go and find the Shazam app, or, you know, the next step that I did is I put it in my control center so I could get to it quicker.
Now I even have it on my lock screen as a widget so I can just jump right into it.
Now Shazam has live activities.
It'll be a live activity, which I gotta tell you, I continue to enjoy this.
In fact, I was just walking on a trail a couple of days ago and I use all trails.
I've talked about that app.
And the last time that I used it, they did not have live activity.
So I have to, every time that I wanted to check where I was on the trail, I had to take out my phone, unlock it, go to the all trails app and look at it.
But now there's a live activities right on the lock screen, Jeff, and it's great.
Well, thank goodness Shazam has live activities as well.
I use this now for Starbucks.
They have live activities.
I use it for my Lyft or my Uber, you know, watching when it comes, all this kind of stuff.
I think you did a good job pointing out that with Shazam, it's usually quick enough that I don't need to like lock my screen or go to a different app, you know, while Shazam is listening.
But it is nice to know that it will be listening into the background if I am trying to check my mail or do something else at the same time.
But I'm just, you know, I think the bigger picture for me, Jeff, quickly is I'm just glad that Apple is continuing to update Shazam because they purchased it a long time ago.
It was an app that was independent and Apple bought it.
And we're all kind of like, are they just doing that because they don't want the competition or what's going on?
But I'm glad to see that they are continuing to update it. - Yeah, the Shazam technology, the team that works on this, these guys are just amazing.
I mean, Shazam is one of those things that's like magic.
I mean, it's like, how is it possible that my iPhone within a second, and even with all the background noise of real life can pick out this song and instantly tell it to me what it is and then allow me to tap one button and I can jump into Apple Music and listen to the song.
It's truly, truly incredible.
So yeah, the update this week is minor.
It used to be that you'd have to keep the Shazam app open.
Now you can actually jump out of the app and it will continue to listen for, it's not terribly long, maybe 30 seconds for a minute, but it will just keep listening and it'll show you at the top once it identifies the song.
But many times, like you say, Brett, it will be that last minute thing.
Like the song's just about to end, jumping into Shazam.
So any little thing that can give Shazam just a little bit more time to do its work to Bravo.
So it's a addition, but also just a nice reminder to folks that if you love music the way that you and I do, Shazam is just such a fantastic little technology. - I feel like I need to go into the app itself and like look around a little bit more, Jeff, 'cause every time that I use it, I really just do it 'cause I wanna know the name of the song.
Which again, to your point, we're thinking back years ago where you've heard a song in a hotel bar or a store or something like that.
And you're like, "Oh, what song is that?"
And I run up to the counter like, "Can you tell me what song is playing?"
Of course, they have no idea half the time.
But the fact that I have this in my hand and I can say, "Oh, who is that?
I think that's so-and-so, but I'm not sure."
And I pull out Shazam and I can hear this.
Just really incredible.
But that's where I stop.
Like I don't go into the app.
Now you mentioned, first of all, the one thing I do is you can go into Shazam and then it'll pull up and you can tap with one tap and go into the Apple Music.
Because I use Spotify, I can do the same thing.
So it's nice that I think Apple continues to allow us to do that.
Like if I use Spotify, then I can go into the Spotify as well as going into Apple Music.
But just really, really great stuff.
So happy that Apple is continuing to work on that.
This just in, this is some really important news that I don't know if a lot of people are aware of.
Atari has now acquired Intellivision.
I know.
I feel like this is like the headlight from 1989.
But it's interesting for those of us that, again, are of a certain vintage, this is, I mean, this would be huge.
Like to me, this would be earth shattering back in the day 'cause I had the Atari, I had Frenzy, had the Intellivision.
But Atari has now announced it has acquired its former competitor from the '70s and the '80s, ending what it says was the first ever console war.
Interesting, times are a-changing. - When I was a preteen, I had the Atari as well.
And then after the Atari, I had the ColecoVision, which was nice because it was great.
Not only the Coleco games, but it was backwards compatible with the Atari, so you could play them all on there.
But I had very few friends that had the Intellivision.
But they always had sort of an air of superiority about them.
And I forget why. - Exactly, yes. - There was something about Intellivision, and it's been so long now, I forget.
Maybe it had extra memory or there was something about it that would at least, maybe it was just the name.
Maybe it was just the spokesperson that they had on their ads.
But there would always be a sense that they were more intelligent games, like the name pronounced, whereas the Atari stuff was just more fun.
But it was one of the first sort of tech rivalries from way back when.
And so, what's left of Atari nowadays, obviously it's changed hands a million times and everything else.
But they do still sell consoles that you can still buy and still play Atari games.
And now the same company will be able to have the Intellivision.
And I noticed as part of the announcements, you can go on the Atari website and buy like an Atari T-shirt, or you can buy like a T-shirt that has an Atari joystick on it, which of course, you and I just look at an Atari joystick and instantly know what it is.
That same website will now sell Intellivision T-shirts.
So, if you wanna get your Intellivision T-shirt, you now have a place to go get it. (laughs) - This sounds really sad and I don't mean it this way, but I guess I didn't even realize that Atari and Intellivision were companies that would still operate.
I mean, I take it for granted that it was back in the day.
The way that I have fused my long time love affair with the old Atari's and modern day, Jeff, is on my Xbox gamer tag, which by the way is Boogie Butter, but on my Xbox now for my little picture, I went and found a screenshot of one of my favorite games from the Atari 2600, which Chopper Command.
I don't know if you ever remember playing Chopper Command, but that's what I have.
And so I love it because I put it on there and I'm like, you young kids, you don't even know.
Anyway, I usually end up losing anytime that I play on the Xbox too, but anyway, it's just fun to, that's the way that I kind of, hearken back to my old days.
But anyway, thanks for the update on the news. - The one that I always think about, I'm curious if I ever played it today, if it would be as fun, but there was a game from Activision which always made the best games for the Atari 2600 called Kaboom.
And the way that you controlled Kaboom, you had the paddle.
I mean, even to this day, - The paddle. - The systems really have paddle, but it was the best paddle game.
You simply moved your buckets back and forth and picked up the bombs as they dropped.
But there was something about it that I would just get so intense into it.
And at the time thought it was actually a game I could do very well in.
It was just that intense focus in a game.
I don't know that to this day, I have had an intense focus in the game the way that as a preteen I used to have with Kaboom and my paddles on my Atari 2600. - The Kaboom and the paddle.
My wife talks about Tetris that way.
Like back in the day, she got very, very, very focused on Tetris because you're just really like, zoned in on what's going on there.
You link to an excellent article today from the Wirecutter, which is now the New York Times.
I still like going to the Wirecutter for things.
But 15 things you did not know your iPhone could do.
And I thought it would just be fun that you and I could pick one of our, a couple of our favorites here.
I will go first in these 15 items here.
The one that I just, I don't use very often, but I love this.
Quickly remove the background from photos.
Now, you do this in the Files app, or this is where that I've done it.
And so I'll go on my iPhone, and you can do this on the iPad as well, by the way.
But you go into the Files app.
So you have to have a photo that you saved out of sight of your Photos app, right?
Or a JPEG or something that you saved.
This is the way that I typically use it.
So I'll export it out of my Photos app into my Files app.
And of course, I don't know that a lot of people know about the Files app, but the Files app is a free app that now is available on the iPad and the iPhone.
I talk about it all the time as a way to be able to manage your files.
You can even store, you can create folders on your iPhone or your iPad, quote, hard drive.
I only say that because on our Windows and our Mac computers, we save it on the C drive, right?
Or into our user folder on our home folder on the Mac.
And in the same way, you can now do that on the iPhone and the iPad.
So you save a photo outside of your Photos app into the Files app, or you can upload it or save it from anywhere else.
And then when you go into the Files app and you see it in the listing, what you can then do is you can, I'm gonna try to find one here to walk through as I go through here, that you can tap and hold your finger on it.
And in a way, I think of the tap and hold as a right click in Windows or on the Mac.
Because when you tap and hold on an image, it comes up with a secondary menu here.
And it gives you access to things similar to if you're on your Windows computer, you can copy the file, you can rename the file, you can duplicate the file, you can move the file, all that kind of stuff.
But at the bottom, there is now a list of quick actions.
So it's like a sub-secondary sub menu in the secondary menu.
And this allows you to rotate an image.
Now, these quick actions will change depending on what the file format is.
But let's say it's a JPEG.
I can rotate the image, I can create a PDF.
But one of the options is remove background.
And if I tap on this, it will, first of all, create a copy of that image.
So I'm not affecting the original image.
And in that copy, it'll now say, it'll remove the background.
And it does an amazing job, Jeff.
You and I have talked about this.
One of the best ways that I like to remove a photo background or a background from any kind of an image is I'll bring it into Keynote.
I think Keynote does a really amazing job of removing the background on a lot of things.
And so I feel like this is probably a lot of the same technology.
And then in that same copy, with the background removed, it will actually add to the title of that image.
It'll say background removed on there so that you have the original version.
And then now you have the copy that has the background removed, and it adds background removed to the name of the image.
Anyway, that's one of my favorite things.
I don't use it all the time, so I have to remind myself.
But it is a quick way to do an amazing thing with just removing the background.
Now, again, your mileage is gonna vary depending on what kind of a background it is.
If it's a solid color background, that's very easy.
But once you start getting a lot more noise and other things inside the background, it could not look as pretty and as good, but it does a pretty amazing job.
That's my favorite from this list that you linked to, Jeff. - Let me just say, on the tip that you have to make sure it's clear.
So I'm in the Files app right now.
If I actually open up the picture, then this little gesture you talked about doesn't work.
It's when you're looking at a list of pictures.
So while I'm looking at the list of pictures, that's where I hold down for a second, and then I see a big list, and I see what you're talking about, quick actions.
And there are, like another one there is you can rotate left or right.
That happens to be all the time.
You get a picture, it's in the wrong orientation, quick way to rotate it.
I can create a PDF, which is really nice, convert it, and then remove background, of course.
So yeah, that's a nice little reminder.
Again, I don't often have pictures in the Files app.
They're typically in Photos, but sometimes I do get them.
Like someone's transferring them to you, and you can save them there and stuff.
So that's a very good tip.
So anyway, this same article, which by the way, this wire, many times when I see an article called something like, "Top 10 things you can do when you're iPhone."
I consider them to be completely clickbait.
I'm like, these are old things, everybody knows, and you know, whatever.
But this Wirecutter article, I mean, again, some people will know every single one of these, but I always hope that there's gonna be something new.
And for me, actually, there was something new in this list.
Yeah, it's, first of all, it's a, well, people should check it out 'cause it's got lots of good tips in it. - Agreed, agreed. - But the specific one that I had, so it has to do with camera shortcuts.
You know, many people know that if you're in, you know, in the Camera app, if you, you can use the, I guess it's the Volume Up button if you're holding your camera in landscape orientation, and you can use that to take pictures as opposed to pressing the button on the screen.
That's a tip that's been there for a while.
But the one that was listed here that I never knew about is, I was familiar with the concept of a burst mode.
It used to be, way back when with the camera, that if you held down the camera button, it would enter a burst mode where it would take just as many pictures in a row as it could.
And then years ago, Apple changed it so that the default function for holding down the button was that it would go to video, but you can still change this.
If you go into the Settings app on the iPhone, you can go Settings, Camera, and by default, the Volume Up button does video, but you can change it to use Volume Up for burst.
But anyway, that's all stuff that I knew about.
Here's one that I did not know about.
When you're in the Camera app and you're looking at the screen, and you know there's the button there.
So if you're holding your camera in portrait orientation like this, then on the button, if you press the button and swipe to the left, or if you're holding your camera the way that I normally do in landscape orientation, press the button and swipe up, it will immediately start taking burst photos, which I had no idea that that was even a function.
And so it's a nice way that no matter which mode you have it in, you don't have to worry about whether your camera is in the burst mode function or in the video mode function.
No matter what your setting is, you can just go to the little thing that would have the button, so to speak, and pull up and it will immediately, immediately start taking burst mode photos.
And so again, what that means is it's taking photos as quickly as it possibly can.
And so if you hold it up for just like, you know, five seconds, you may have, I don't know, 50 photos or something.
And then what it does is it saves these photos, not as 50 individual pictures, but it saves it as a single stack in your photos app.
And you can then go to the stack later and you can go through them and say, okay, I'm gonna keep this one, and I'm gonna keep this one, and maybe pick the one best one, or pick the two or three best one and delete the rest.
And then they will save them as individual pictures.
And if you're taking pictures of kids, I mean, you know how kids blink, they turn the other way, they look up, they look down, they have faces, but there'll be that one split second that if you were lucky enough, you got the one perfect picture of your kid.
Burst mode takes that into account because if you take 50 pictures in succession, one of them will be a good, or, you know, it's also good for action shots, of course.
If you know something is happening and something's jumping and you wanna get like just the right moment, just where the basketball is, just going into the net, take a burst mode photo, and you'll be able to choose just that one perfect moment.
So again, burst mode is nothing new.
It's a cool feature that people sometimes forget about.
But what was new to me was that you could put your finger on the button and just sort of move either up or left, depending on which way you're holding your iPhone and get into that burst mode.
So it's a nice shortcut to get in there. - I had no idea. - Yeah, and that's just one subset of this one tip on camera shortcuts.
There's some other ones in there too that are worth knowing about.
So, you know, that's just one of the 15 tips.
So that's my plug for this wire cutter list because it's got some pretty good ones in there.
So check it out. - That's so good. - You might find something that you have never heard of before, even though you've been using the iPhone for a very, very long time. - I had no idea that you could move the shutter button, Jeff, like that's amazing to me.
I just tap it. - By the way, if you go the other direction, if you go down or to the right, it will immediately go into the video mode.
And then if you go like an inch to the right, it locks.
So you can either choose just to have it take in the video while you're doing, while you're holding your finger or do you want to lock it and then get into the video mode?
It's just a cute little gesture. - That is amazing.
I had no idea.
And then real quick, can I just ask, so once I have a burst, a set of burst pictures in my photo roll, how do I, okay.
It tells me at the top, it says burst and I have 18 photos 'cause I've just been taking crazy ones since you've been talking about it.
Oh, and then at the bottom it says select, right? - It says select.
So you at the very bottom, you click on the word select and then you swipe back and right.
And then there's like in the little, there's a circle on the bottom right and you tap in the circle, which has a blue check mark on whichever ones you want to save.
Don't check on the ones you don't want to save and then click on done.
And it's going to ask, wait a minute, do you only want to keep the two that you just selected or keep everything?
And you're like, no, no, I just want to keep the two that I selected and then it will delete the burst so they're not taking up space in your iPhone and you'll have the two or the five or the one, however many you select.
Those are the only ones that show up in the photo wheel.
Unless you upgrade to 17.5 and then they all come, no, I'm just kidding. - Okay, okay.
That's funny.
I had no idea you could swipe on the shutter button there.
Oh, that blows my mind.
That's awesome.
Okay, anyway, great list.
Like you said, I'm glad that you linked to it.
Thank you, Wirecutter for letting us know.
Okay, lots of good stuff.
Thank you as always, Jeff.
I think we got everything wrapped up.
So in that case, we'll talk with you next week.