In the News
In the News
164: Jeff’s Shiny New Object! 📲 Plus iOS 18 & Many Other Goodies!
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In the News blog post for September 20, 2024:
00:00 18 Wheeler Dealer
11:35 Photo Roto
28:17 Watching All the Updates
37:05 A Vision for the Near Future
42:16 iPhone 16
53:27 Apple Watch 10
1:01:18 AirPods 4
1:05:15 Go West Apple Wallet
1:08:21 Jeff’s Shiny New Object!
Dan Moren | Six Colors: iOS 18 Review: Your iPhone, your way
Juli Clover | MacRumors: Just Install iOS 18? Here Are 10 Things to Do First
Jason Snell | Six Colors: iPadOS 18 Review (ish): Math notes, calculator, and weird tab bars
Jason Snell | Six Colors: In iOS 18, Photos brings Collections to the fore
Jonathan Reed | MacStories: watchOS 11: The MacStories Review
Brian Heater | TechCrunch: Apple Watch sleep apnea detection gets FDA approval
Devon Dundee | MacStories: visionOS 2: The MacStories Review
Nilay Patel | The Verge: Apple iPhone 16 Pro review: small camera update, big difference
Austin Mann: iPhone 16 Pro Camera Review: Kenya
Victoria Song | The Verge: Apple Watch Series 10 review: an Ultra sleek package
David Carnoy | CNET: Apple AirPods 4 Review: The Noise Canceling Really Is a Game-Changer
Apple introduces California driver’s licenses and state IDs in Apple Wallet as part of California DMV’s mDL pilot program
Brett Burney from http://www.appsinlaw.com
Jeff Richardson from http://www.iphonejd.com
Welcome to in the news for September the 20th, 2024.
I am Brett Burney from AppsinLaw.com.
And this is Jeff Richardson from iPhone JD.
Hi, Brett.
Hi, Jeff.
It is a big day.
I'm like, I'm just reading through your post today, Jeff.
And there's so much that has been released that is coming out that you might be getting.
I mean, what an exciting day for crying out loud.
This is amazing.
It is an exciting day.
Just a few minutes ago, I was noticing on I noticed it on Macedon, but it was actually posted on threads that Chance Miller from 9to5Mac had a live little video from right outside that, you know, on Fifth Avenue in New York, they have the big iconic cube Apple store.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, here you link to it.
Oh, that's awesome.
I linked to something different.
I linked to the fact that it's sort of lit up, you know, all the colors on the edge of it just like in your head right now for the new Siri.
But what they were referring to.
So that's sort of fun that it's got all the serious colors.
But what was funny this morning is that, you know, how just before an Apple store opens up on the day that they have a product come out, you know, there's always a lot of people, especially for a flagship store like Fifth Avenue.
And so they had the Apple people that were in the front of the store and they had the crowd and the Apple employees are excited and they're jumping around and they're sort of yelling.
But what I was laughing at is they had a little thing where one of the Apple guys is saying, when I say a you say I and then the Apple people go a and the crowd goes.
So they're doing AI back and forth.
And I just thought to myself that, you know, one day in the future when the robots become sentient and take over, they will look back on this moment of look at the fun humans cheering for AI.
So, but as a side note, and of course, since this podcast is being recorded, I will say for the record that we love our robot overlords.
We're very happy with it.
Just make sure that's on the record.
But it's also funny because Apple is also excited about AI.
But of course, what we all talked about is, you know, the new iPhones are ready for AI, but the AI is not going to be there, at least the one that they're really all excited about for a couple of weeks.
Again, that's not a big deal because we'll have a couple of weeks to get used to the other fun new aspects of iPhones.
But anyway, when we have recorded this podcast in the past on Fridays, that new devices have come out.
Sometimes, Brett, we have been lucky enough that like I've actually gotten the product while we're recording.
So let's just, I have no idea.
We're going to keep fingers crossed.
And there's always the possibility that before we're done here, we'll have a, we shall see.
So let's just, we'll find out what it's in, whether or not we have that or not.
So with that in mind.
So you've got a phone coming, right?
No, wait, the phone is coming.
I've got a phone and the watch.
And the watch.
I did not get the new AirPods because I use the AirPods Pro, but I did get the Apple Watch 10, which I'm really looking forward to.
And I did get the iPhone 16 Pro Max.
So you went max again.
That's right.
I remember you talking about that.
Oh, that's so exciting.
And I was going to say, okay, so it's not just the hardware that's coming out of, we might come back to the hardware just in a little bit here, but, oh my goodness.
It's almost like everything got an update, even though just like when you said, we don't have the Apple intelligence update yet, but it's like they released everything else with the update.
And it's just like, I'm trying to get my head wrapped around it.
I guess we can start with iOS 18, right, Jeff?
Because I mean, that's the big thing that most people are going to start talking about.
So iOS 18 came out on Monday.
And so by now you probably have seen a notice on your iPhone about it coming out.
Again, you know, wait until you're in a good position.
I know you were saying, Brett, that because you've been traveling all week long and you're in Chicago today, you haven't updated yet.
But whenever you get yourself into a settled situation, you can do so.
But iOS 18 has got some interesting features to it.
The one that's most notable is the one that doesn't technically, doesn't really appeal to me, but let me just notice it.
Because I mean, it's something that you're going to see is that it has all these changes to the home screen.
So like you can now have like, if you want to have a space that you only have some icons at the top and only some at the bottom and just have open space, you can do that.
I mean, I personally want to use that space and put icons there.
So this is not for me, but you know, it's interesting.
And likewise, you can now apply like color schemes to like make all of your apps, not just in night mode, although you can do that too.
But you can also say like, I want to have a purple theme to all of my apps or green theme and maybe make that compliment my wallpaper background.
For me, I just want the colors that the app developers give me.
But I will admit that I have seen some interesting mock-ups of what people have done.
And I'm like, you know, you do you.
If this is a sort of color scheme that makes you happy.
So it's something that you're going to definitely notice as you look over somebody's shoulder and you see their iPhone.
Some of those iPhones are going to look really, really different.
That second picture on this post from Julie Clover really shows it that you can have, you know, all those different tints and themes and everything else.
So that's something that I think people are going to notice.
Again, not something I'm looking for, but I probably do.
And that's it.
I mean, I feel like that's just going to be the thing that most people are going to recognize just right off the bat.
I mean, for so many years, like we've all kind of looked the same, at least on our iPhone home screen.
And this is such a big deal.
I mean, I don't even know where to start.
I mean, I haven't upgraded yet, like you said, which is just crazy.
I'm hoping to do that today.
But even my wife and my son have already upgraded and they're sending me pictures of like how they've organized their home screen.
And I'm like, how do you find the time to do that?
But I mean, it is nice that I feel like finally, after all these years that people can actually move things around and put them actually where they want to put them.
We've had widgets and other things we've been able to customize.
And I've you know, over the years, we've seen hacks of how people are kind of organized their things.
But now it's like you're not going to know where things are when you pick up somebody else's iPhone, not that you need to necessarily.
But anyway, that's going to be, I think, one of the biggest things that people are going to recognize right off the bat.
In fact, one little tweak on that that I thought about but decided not to do is if you want to have, you know, for years and years, we've always had these app icons that had the icon and right underneath it, it has the name, you know, typically, yes, right.
But if you decide, you know what, I, you know, I know what those icons are.
I recognize them.
I see the photos icon.
I don't need you to actually type the word photos underneath it.
You have a mode that you can enable where it makes all of your icons bigger and takes away the name.
So it's just something that if you decide that it's something that you're interested in, you know, we're all sort of familiar with it because on your current iPhone home screen, you know how you can put those four apps at the bottom and those four apps.
At the bottom on the dock.
Yeah, they don't, they don't, in the dock, they don't tell you the name.
I mean, the idea is if you know, you know, those four icons.
Oh, that's right.
The idea of having an icon without a name is something we've had before, but now you can have all your icons have no names.
And as a result, because of that extra space, have them be just a little bit bigger.
So that's something that I actually did play around in.
I turned it on earlier this week and for my, for my main two home screens, it was great.
The reason that I turned it back off is like, once I got past that and stuff, there were some icons that like, I'm pretty sure I know what it is, but some, some apps, they're just such generic things that I wasn't a hundred percent sure what this was.
So anyway, but it's something to play with.
But when you talked about the idea of, of, you just said, you know, you're gonna take the time this weekend.
This is the next thing I wanted to discuss is the new control center control center in iOS 18.
Now, again, this is totally a geeky thing, but you know, on the modern iPhone, she swiped down from the top, right.
And you get to the control center.
You can now customize so much.
I mean, right off the bat, control center is now broken to three different sections and you can sort of swipe between them to go through them.
But then within each of those sections, you can move things around.
You can add control center icons that have never been there before.
You can make some of them bigger.
Some of them are smaller.
There's a ton you can do.
And I haven't even started yet because I've been way too busy at work this week.
This is the sort of thing, Brett, that I just want to, at some point over the weekend or whenever I have downtime, I just want to start to play around.
And I have no doubt it's going to take me weeks until I get it configured in a way that I like.
But I love the idea that I have that power and that I'm going to get to the point where I have power over the control center.
It's got just the things that I want.
Some things are going to be bigger because it's more important to me.
Some things I'll have the smaller version of it.
You cannot get more fiddly and more nerdy than changing around control center icons and stuff.
But I really look forward to doing it.
So I haven't done it yet for myself.
It's going to be like a weekend project.
That's a weekend project.
But I love the idea that we'll be able to do that.
So those are some of the big ones.
There's things like the Safari app and math notes we've talked about before on the iPad, which I played around with.
It's interesting that you can use your pen and you can write equations out.
I was doing something where I would say, widget equals four.
I've got four widgets.
And then I would put, I don't know, number equals 16.
And then I would say, widget times number equals.
And it would do the math for me.
And then I would go back and change the number of widgets.
And it would, of course, change the number.
You can do these sort of sophisticated-- Not credible.
I'm doing simple addition and multiplication.
But you can do some cool stuff.
And of course, if you know math, I mean, if you know how to do the sophisticated functions and all those math things that I remembered learning in high school and have forgotten most of them, I think it's cool that you have that ability to sort of write out math problems.
So it's a neat technology.
It shows a bunch of different things at once because it's a little degree of machine learning type stuff to even understand what you're writing.
It's understanding your handwriting.
It's giving your answer in a handwriting that looks sort of similar to your own handwriting.
It's neat stuff.
And for the types of simple addition and multiplication and stuff like that that I do, I think that sometimes it might be more helpful.
Because I don't know if you've done this before, Brett, but sometimes when I'm typing in a calculator, it'll be like this times this, and then this times this.
And then you sort of get lost in the numbers of like, what was I doing?
And you get lost in the equation, and you just sort of lose your place.
Whereas if you could actually write it out, and you can do this on the iPhone too, by the way.
I mentioned it on the iPad because you just have more screen real estate, but you can use your finger.
But to just sort of like have it all there, it's much like if you're going to go really pro and have a spreadsheet, well, then you have it all in front of you.
But the spreadsheets, in some ways, that's the other extreme.
Because for a spreadsheet, to actually see what's going on in a cell, you need to click on the cell and then look at the bar at the top and see what the equation is.
So it's a happy medium.
It's simple that I can see it all in front of me, and yet I have some space.
So this is one of these things that I actually think is going to be really useful.
And I'm looking more toward to it.
So that's just sort of some of the highlights.
I haven't updated yet, but I just remember on the math notes, and this is where I need because I am not the math genius on this either.
But just the fact that you could write that out, and to underscore what you said, Jeff, is the fact you could change some of those parameters in real time, and it changes everything.
I mean, that is just so mind-blowing, and the fact that you have that capacity.
And I think we're really going to see some-- I'm sure there's already some YouTube videos and stuff out there.
But you kind of have to see that, I think, in action and how it could do-- to even get an idea.
I'm not a math nerd, so I don't really fully comprehend all of that.
But I just know I'm hearing some folks that are much smarter on that spectrum.
It's just revolutionary.
I mean, even from school, why couldn't we have this when we were in grade school, Jeff?
Like this is so cool.
I know.
When I was in calculus class, I mean, this would have just been amazing.
But anyway, I'm glad it's here now.
That's cool, too.
So why don't we move on to another one of the big things about the new iOS.
And one of the things that had me perhaps the most scared in the beginning was the photos apps changes.
When Apple changed the photos app in iOS 18 and when the initial beta came out, which was right after WWDC in June of this year, I heard people saying, whoa, this may be a bridge too far, Apple.
And I got really concerned about it.
I will tell you, I've been playing around with it myself just on my Vision OS, my Apple Vision Pro, because that's what I updated.
And then all this week, I've been playing with it on my iPhone and my iPad.
I'm here to say I am all in favor of these changes.
I like it.
Really, really great.
Because first of all, the traditional part of photos, which is that when you open the app, you just see like all your pictures.
That's still there.
It's still the top half of your screen, you know?
So all you need to do is scroll up and you haven't lost anything.
But just below it at the bottom of the screen for your iPhone and then on even more of the screen if you have an iPad that's even bigger, what Apple has done is that they've come up with this way to sort of bring things to your attention so that, you know, photos that you've forgotten about just come to the forefront.
And we're all familiar with this because, you know, we've been talking for years about having like a widget on your phone or your iPad that brings up random photos.
Or if you went through the trouble in the photos app of actually clicking on the memories tab and the for you and stuff of having some special things.
It's just that it now is just more to the forefront than ever before.
And especially, you know, if you're a person that only has 100 photos on your iPhone, well, then I guess this doesn't apply to you.
But if you have pictures over, you know, years, decades, I mean, I've got pictures that go back to, frankly, even before I was born just because I've coded them before I was born.
You know, some old picture that I, you know, copied from the wall of my grandparents or something like that of them when they were kids.
So I've got pictures that go back forever.
And you know, when I've got 60,000 pictures, you know, I'm never going to sit there and say, let me page through your one by one 60,000 pictures.
So what you want to do is just have fun pictures just come up.
And Apple does a good job of just, I mean, they're not going to pick the bad ones.
They don't pick the blurry pictures.
They pick a picture that they think is good and it comes up.
So that's a nice thing just in some discovery.
But Apple has sort of tweaked that and a number of different ways.
So for example, one of the things that by default, it's right there up front when you go into photos is they have something called recent days.
Now you know how often times, you know, I just talked about how fun it is to see a picture from decades ago.
But oftentimes when I go into photos, I just want to see a picture I took recently.
I'm like, you know, I know recently I took a picture of such and such and I want to talk to somebody about it.
And the nice thing about recent days is they sort of like every day that you have a significant number of photos, and if you don't, they don't have anything for that day, they will put together sort of what they think is the best of them.
It's not every single photo, but it's the ones that are for whatever reason, most likely to be the ones that sort of stand out.
And so far it does a good job of doing that.
And what I have found is if I'm looking for a recent photo, the old way I would do it is I would just scroll through your big, you know, photo with all the, you know, all the squares and you would just look and see, and sometimes you get lost.
It's like, wait a minute, am I a week ago or am I four days?
You know, you sort of, you might have trouble, you might need to make it bigger.
This one, however, because it comes up with sort of a cover photo, as it were, for each day, and if you're watching the video right now, you can sort of see that on the screen, that I can just very easily say, okay, here's some pictures from yesterday.
Here's some pictures from three days ago.
Here's some pictures from last Sunday.
Next one's pictures from last Saturday.
So I can very easily go, okay, yeah, I was talking about the pictures of the park.
So I can very easily see, okay, this square, I can tell from the cover, these are those park pictures from last Saturday, tap on that, and then you can see the key pictures.
And I actually find it's a faster way to bring up that recent picture than just scrolling through the recent pictures.
Oh, okay.
Which totally surprised me.
So like, I didn't understand what I was getting at, because when I first saw this feature, I'm like, why do you need to have recent days?
Because you just scroll backwards for that.
It's right there.
Right, exactly.
This is doing a good job.
So that's just an example of it.
And then in addition to that, there's another one that they have in it called trips.
And it's the same thing.
I would often, if I take a beach trip, or if we go to Disney World or whatever, I will often create a folder.
I'll take those 100 pictures and I'll move them into a folder and I'll call that trip to New York or whatever it is.
And so I could find it that way.
But the iPhone, whether I have made folders or not made folders, now the iPhone and the iPad and the Mac and everything else that has the photos app is automatically organized for them.
I mean, they can tell because of where the photo was taken that this was a trip to Portland, Oregon, or this was a trip to San Francisco, whatever.
And then of course, from the dates as well, they can put them together.
And I find that if you're just trying to say, gosh, earlier this year, we went to Nashville to go see our friend.
If you just tap on that trips thing, you don't take that many trips.
So it's very quick to find, here's that trip to Nashville from earlier this year, or here's this trip to Tampa, Florida three years ago.
And so it's a fast way to sort of just get you there.
And then once you're there, you can look at photos.
And then the last thing I'll say, because I could talk about this forever on the app is that for any of these collections, whether you are on a previous, a recent day collection, or whether you are on a trip collection, or whether you are on something for a person, however, you've gotten there, they have integrated the feature that we first all got to know in memories, which is that it has it, it can create a little movie of the pictures, which is really nice.
Put it to some, put it to music.
But even better than that, if you're just like, once you click on that trip to Tampa, Florida, whatever, you're going to see the pictures at the bottom half, but the top half of the screen is going to basically sort of transition, sort of like a Ken Burns effect between photos and any photo that has live video, which is most of my photos recently, it will have like little video snippets.
And it's almost like this, it's sort of like a little memories without the music because it's just showing it up there.
It's really nice.
It's like, it brings your pictures to life.
It's just, oh, it's really nice.
So I cannot stop gushing enough about the photos feature.
I can tell.
They have really hit it out of the park.
Let me mention two more things on it that are a little outside of the iPhone.
Because I can't say enough.
Apple has gotten so good at the photos, right?
That they can analyze the photos and they can analyze the depth perception.
So for example, you know, if you took a photo of me on the screen right now, it can see my face here and then it knows that the wall and this art on the wall behind me is sort of behind me.
And so it can understand that those are two different layers or fields.
Like planes or something.
Like planes, exactly.
So the photos, if you have an Apple watch, the photos watch face has gotten really good in watch 11.
And if you choose the photos watch face, the way it does is, and they've had versions of this in the past because they used to have a watch face that was called portraits.
But now what it'll do is if you use the photos watch face every day, it will pick, I don't know the number.
It's like 12, 16, 20, something like that.
It's more than 10, probably less than 20.
So it will take a number of pictures every day and it picks pictures that it thinks are particularly appropriate for a watch face.
You can decide on your iPhone in the watch app, do I want to have pictures of people?
Do I want to have pictures of landscapes?
Do I want pets?
It's very similar to the choices that you can make for your home screen backgrounds.
And so you can choose one or more of those.
For me, I just have pictures and for photos of people.
And for me, it's just the people that I've got sort of favorited in my photos app.
So it's my wife and it's my two kids.
So it's a small, and against me, the four of us.
And so it's a small selection of pictures and then it will randomly pick some pictures that it thinks are going to look good on the watch face.
And because it can sort of separate the layers, like you were, the planes, like you were saying, it will have it that the time is behind me.
So my head sort of covers up some of it and they will actually, the placement of the color, the clock on your watch will move depending on the picture.
So for some pictures, it may make sense to be on the left.
Ooh, I like that.
Or the top or the bottom.
So it's very dynamic.
It creates something that like, if I was going to make this myself, it would have taken me a lot of time, but it just happens really quick automatically.
So that's a fun way to see your pictures on your watch.
I mean, I'm looking down right now and I'm seeing a cool picture of, you know, my wife here with the time on the top and then, you know, you can tap it and change it.
It's really cool.
Another one is for the few people that have the Apple Vision Pro, and I realize not many people do, but the photos app on the Vision Pro, it has sort of a favorites feature.
What it will do is it will come up with photos that are made for spatial video and, you know, let me, I'm sorry, let me rephrase this better.
It will take a regular photo that was just taken as a regular photo, even if it's an old photo and it will add this 3D spatial effect to it.
And I've talked about this before that it can sort of fake it so that when you're looking at it and at Vision Pro, it looks like it's a 3D picture and about nine times out of 10, it's amazing.
It looks real.
And about one time out of 10, it gets a little off, sort of like, you remember in the very early days when Apple would sort of like come up with the fake effects where it would sort of blur the background for a bokeh effect.
Sometimes it would sort of mess up the ends and stuff like that.
And then Apple's got much better over time.
So it's the same thing.
Sometimes it's a little odd, but most of the time it's cool.
And so with my Vision Pro, just like with my iPhone and my iPad, it's finding an old picture that I haven't seen in a long time and it's showing to me again.
That's really cool.
But it's also in 3D and it's a picture that was picked because Apple thought it would look particularly good in 3D.
And I know it's a gimmick.
I know it is, but I look at it and it gives this emotional feeling for a picture that it's tough to put into words.
And it's sort of like you're there again.
It's bringing it to life.
It's really cool, especially if it brings up someone who's, gosh forbid, passed away or something like that.
You're like, there's my grandmother again.
And it's like she's with me because I can see her in 3D.
It's really, really, really cool.
So again, that's a long way of saying Apple has really done a great job with photos across all the different platforms.
And it is one of my real favorite things about iOS.
I am so encouraged to hear you gushing about this because a couple of things.
I saw all that Apple had announced and was talking about the changes.
And number one, it doesn't apply to me because it's like, okay, those are fake photos.
It's like when I see other people do it, it's like, but I want to see it on my photos.
I want to see how this goes.
And number two, we've talked about this many times, it's the photos app.
These are things that are very special to each individual.
And it's like I have muscle memory going into my photo roll.
I know where the albums are that I created or the shared albums.
Although I will tell you, there's just a lot of like junk that has been over the years, like different albums that I probably don't even need and why.
And so when I saw these changes, I was like, this could be something I'm not very excited about.
Like Apple has got to do it right.
And it sounds like that they've done a good job.
Just hearing you talk about this, like I'm just I'm really thrilled.
And a couple of other people I've listened to on podcasts as well, that some people have been very hesitant about this or very skeptical, skeptical.
And that's probably maybe the better way to say it.
But even Jason Snell, like this article you linked to that we've been looking at and hearing you talk about it.
I'm really glad that it sounds like Apple has done a good job.
And man, I'm excited to upgrade.
I got to look at all of this.
It's that's really good.
I'm glad that you took the time to go through that.
I mean, goodness, we haven't even talked about like the messages updates.
I think I mentioned my wife has already updated her phone and I have not.
And so she was sending me text messages like, hey, look how cool this is with with the new tap backs.
And like I could do bold and my text messages like I can't see it yet.
I haven't updated.
I'm glad that you're happy.
But let me update first and then I can see it.
And I haven't done that.
But I mean, just the messages alone.
That's the other thing I think, you know, the photos are very personal.
The text messages, obviously very, very personal.
But it sounds like from everything I've heard as well, people are loving the new messages options in here.
Have you been able to do some of that already to Jeff?
And I will admit the only reason I haven't mentioned it yet is we were going to talk for our tips of the day today.
I was going to say something special.
That's what I got.
You know, we can talk about it now if you want.
It's it's really good.
Apple did some great things to the messages app.
I really like, you know, I quickly got used to the tap back feature, which came out what a year or two ago.
Because sometimes somebody tells you something and like you don't want to ignore them.
You want to say something, but it really doesn't require more thumbs up.
And the idea that you could thumbs up on top of the specific text was so nice.
And so I would say probably two or three weeks after starting to use the tap backs function, I immediately thought this is great and it's too limited because all I have is what the six options, right?
Was that the six options?
That's right.
You know, the ha ha, whatever they were.
And there's sometimes that you just need you need you need to say more than that, but you don't need to say much more than that.
And so it made so much sense for Apple to update this, to add the emojis tap.
And I have been using it this week.
And it is, you know, whether, you know, whatever it is, you know, whether it's a just as an alternative to the thumbs up, you can use a checkmark, for example, to put a checkmark on something or you can do different types of hearts, things and things.
It's just, you know, we all know the emoji that we that we know and love.
And I'm not even a crazy emoji person.
Goodness knows my team, my teenagers basically communicate in emoji like it's a different language.
It's it's sometimes, you know, just that perfect emoji, the perfect type of happy face or confused face.
It's just a great thing.
So emoji tap back.
Really cool.
You know, another one that's useful, that's part of the message of that.
If we're going to talk about this one.
Yeah, you can now and Apple's had this for the mail app, too.
You can delay the delivery of a message.
And I will tell you, Brad, I have actually in fact, I'll make it personal this week.
I was actually I sent you a message earlier this week and I was going to send it to you at night.
And you know, I'm an hour behind you.
So for me, it was midnight.
It's one o'clock your time.
I'm like, and I'm sure you probably had do not disturb.
I'm like, the last thing I want to do, I just was trying to share something with you.
And I want to send this to Brett at one o'clock in the morning and wake up in bed and say, oh, my goodness, my house on fire.
No, it's Jeff.
Just saying, here's what I need.
And so what you can do now is we would welcome that, by the way.
So fair enough.
OK, good to know.
But when you type something in the messages app, if you hit, you know, that plus sign that's to the left, yeah, one that you would hit to like do photos and other sorts of little things.
When you hit that plus sign, you now have an option of called I think it's called like delayed delivery.
I have in front of me right now.
But then you can pick the time.
You know, I want this to actually don't deliver it now, deliver it at 8 a.m. tomorrow when I know that Brett's going to be awake or whatever it is, and then he can deal with that.
And so it's something that there have literally been times in the past because I'm a night owl, I suspect that I have not wanted to say I was going to send somebody something at night and I'm like, well, I don't want to be that guy that's sending something.
But I'm totally fine with sending it first thing in the morning or whatever.
And so it's a silly little thing.
But it's a feature that I know I was going to use.
And in fact, I almost used it with you this week, but I did not.
But I probably will in the future.
So that's OK.
There's other ones, too.
I mean, you can now have and, you know, different effects on words and stuff like that.
And I haven't even played around with that stuff to have them, you know, sending them.
They'll be wavy or bold or or shippal or jitter fun little things.
I haven't even gotten there yet, but I'm sure that there will be an appropriate time when I want to send my brother a text and I'm going to say, yeah, this really needs to have, you know, the shake effect on it or the jitter effect or whatever else or the explode or bloom.
Absolutely explode.
Yeah, definitely.
Well, I know we were talking about that, but I just I you were going to talk about that later.
But it's such a big deal.
I mean, and in fact, I think on some of these tap backs or maybe the emoji somewhere in here, Jeff, obviously I haven't upgraded yet, but you can customize some of your tap backs, right?
Or you can add some of those on there as well.
Or maybe some of the well, any emoji is what it is.
So I mean, OK, OK, OK, OK, become a tap back.
So that's which is pretty.
That's amazing.
Are there hundreds and hundreds of emojis?
I know it's like it's limitless at that point.
OK, I know we got to move on, but I mean, they're so good.
You have you have several links for for this is Dan Morin.
I mean, he did such a great job in here.
This is another great article from Julie Clover that you link to 10 things to do first when you upgrade iOS 18.
What a great article.
I mean, I love this because such a big update here, right?
As everybody understands, like I'm glad that you linked to this because like, yeah, that's the first things I want to do.
She goes set up a home screen like we talked about already set up control center, which is what you're going to do this weekend.
I mean, just even the lock screen, you can customize a little bit more.
Organize your photos.
This is a great article.
I'll make sure it's in the show notes so everybody can look like when you do upgrade to iOS 18.
Here are some of the first things to make sure that you jump on and get going on that.
OK, there's so much more.
I mean, there's so much just packed into that we haven't we barely even mentioned the iPad.
But why don't we move on to the watch?
Can we talk about the watch?
Because you're getting a watch, the watch Apple Watch 10 today.
But even if you don't have the brand new watch, you can still upgrade to watch OS 11, which again, just amazing updates that are coming that are happening in the watch side here as well.
I'm so glad that this stuff is live now.
We've been we've been talking about it for a while, knowing that it was coming.
You know, things like with activity rings, if you're the same sort of person that wants to try to get your standpoints or your exercise points every single day, but right.
Want to give yourself a break?
You can now do that, which is a cool feature.
So good.
There's the new vitals app that I have just started.
I haven't even looked at my vitals things yet, but you need to be wearing your Apple Watch at night, which I've been doing all this week just to sort of collect the data.
But I haven't got it yet.
But so that's something that's new.
By the way, sort of related to that, if you either have the new Apple Watch 10 or if you have the Apple Watch nine that came out last year or the ultra to I think those are the third three different models.
You can now do the sleep apnea thing that we've talked about.
So that's cool.
And again, I think it needs 30 days of data before it starts to collect things.
I mean, those of us who started this week in mid-September, I guess starting in mid October, mid to late October, we'll start to get some alerts if we have it.
So it's got some health stuff and that's always sort of nice.
Real quick on that.
You link to another story that it was the two things that I remember at Apple, what two weeks ago when they had the big announcement, they mentioned that they were waiting on FDA approval, number one, for those AirPods, the AirPods Pro hearing aid capabilities.
And it was like the day after.
Like, I remember we talked about this.
I remember that Apple said, we're waiting on FDA approval.
And I'm like, oh my goodness, this is going to be months and months and months.
And it was like the next day or the next couple of days they got that approval.
And you just linked to a story like apparently just a couple of days ago, FDA approval now for the sleep apnea component here, this detection on the Apple Watch.
That is mind blowing to me, Jeff, that they got this approval.
I mean, obviously it was in the works for a long time, right?
And Apple wouldn't have maybe mentioned it, but just the fact that there now has the approval, both the hearing aid component on there, as well as now even the sleep apnea detection on the Apple Watch.
So that now when people get it today, when you get it today, it's going to be ready to go.
Like it's not just going to be a sleeper mode or some kind.
Pun intended.
But it's like, it's going to be ready to go.
And that's amazing.
You just said it, Brett, that when they announced this on that event, I thought to myself, there's no way Apple says this out loud unless they are darn sure.
You said that.
I remember.
Days away from getting FDA approval.
And sure enough, they were.
So I don't know how that process works.
I'm, I've, as an attorney, I've never dealt with the FDA in anything.
So I don't know how the pre-approval process works or anything else.
But Apple was clearly very sure that they were going to get this stuff approved in just days and sure enough, they did.
But it was nice to get those announcements.
And so that those features can come up.
So lots of health stuff.
I think on the watchOS that's new and that I haven't really started to get into yet.
And that's another one of these things I really look forward to playing with is, you know, widgets.
So let me back up even further.
There was a time in the past where one of the Apple watch faces was the Siri watch face.
And the idea is that it would try to bring up information that it thought was relevant to you at different times.
Apple no longer has the Siri watch face as of watch 11.
It's one of four or five watch faces discontinued.
And the reason they don't have it is because it's sort of built into every watch face.
Because with every watch face, if you take your finger and just sort of push up from the bottom, you get to that widget mode.
And this is something that we started to see last year.
But unlike last year, where widgets were more static, this year widgets become more interactive.
And I haven't, you know, I've just started to play around with this.
I mean, I've noticed, for example, that like the now, I think this is new, that the now playing widget, if I'm listening to a podcast or a song or something, that the widget itself is now interactive and it has on the widget, a little play pause button.
So for example, it used to be that I would have to switch over to the now playing watch app to control things.
But now I don't need to because it's just right there.
And that's actually pretty cool because I've used that where I'm listening to something.
Yeah, I mean, you're showing a picture of it right now on the right side.
You know, just as I'm listening to something, it's already got the pause button right there.
I can just tap it and it pauses what I'm listening to and I could talk to somebody for a second and then tap it again and come back.
And so I think this is an example.
And again, I know there's gonna be many more that I haven't gotten deep into yet, but the idea of with more interactive widgets, I really think/hope that the widgets feature that we can all get to just by sliding up is gonna all become a lot more useful.
So a combination of the widgets themselves becoming more useful, Apple being more intelligent about showing you widgets that it thinks are gonna be appropriate based upon what you're doing at that time.
This is one of those things that I haven't got a chance to get deep into it yet, but I'm really looking forward to it.
I can't wait to do that because it's exactly what you said.
There is a now playing, I guess, an app.
But also there's a Spotify app and there's a music app on my watch.
And if it's playing, I might be running.
So I have the workout app that's on my watch.
If that makes sense, right?
But it's like if it's music playing through my watch, I have to go and double click the side to get access to the open apps.
And I hate having to double click and sometimes I don't remember.
Anyway, this is just great that the interactivity, and I assume it's gonna be more for than just the music app and other things going on.
But anyway, that's just really cool.
And did I say somewhere else, maybe in one of these others that you linked to, that you can now use the Apple Watch as a remote?
Like in other words, like we use for the Apple TV, if I'm not mistaken, because I will use my iPhone or my iPad sometimes if I want to type something in for a search or something like that.
But now you can even do that on the watch.
I don't think that that was there before, but that's pretty cool.
It was, but it's now new.
So what it was is it used to be that there was an app on the watch called, I think it was called remote.
And it could do things like play, pause, and it could do like the simple stuff.
But now it's even more sophisticated because I think it can now do like, you can control the volume on your TV by using the digital crown.
It's an even more full controlled thing so that if you don't have the Apple remote with you because it's so tiny and small, it fell between the couch cushions, you can't find it.
You can, of course you can use your iPhone, which is very useful.
And you can make it even more useful by putting that little icon in your control center right at the top, since you can move all the stuff around, get it back to where it was before.
Or if you have your Apple watch on, you could use your Apple watch too, to do it.
So it's got just even, even more power.
Again, we're, we're assuming that you were controlling an Apple TV.
Of course.
I don't think it's going to do anything for your Roku or anything like that, but yes, for your Apple TV, the watch can be an even more useful remote.
You link today to, and I'll put this in the show notes of Mac stories.
This is from Jonathan Reed on Mac stories.
I mean, this is like a novel, a short novel review of everything in watchOS 11, which, which is really great.
Some of the things I've been clicking through here as you talking about the vitals and the, and the, uh, the, the widgets aspects on here.
What anything else you want to highlight on some of the Apple, the Apple watch aspects?
Not on that, but I actually want to step back and just highlight what you're sort of showing Mac stories, the website.
And I went to it today that the website has done a great job this week.
They have, if you want to go, if you want like the super in-depth, all the nitty gritty details, this is the place to go.
Federico Vatici for like a decade now has been doing their iOS reviews and he dug one this year.
It's, it's like 10 pages long.
It's like 10 web pages.
So it's very, very long.
It's incredibly detailed.
So his iOS review is fantastic.
The, um, they had somebody do a watchOS review.
They had somebody do a visionOS review.
They had, um, they have the, uh, the new Mac, uh, what is it?
Uh, Sequoia is it?
What's that?
What's the new Mac OS called this year?
That, um, that, so you're right.
If you're John Voorhees did that former attorney, if you really good in-depth reviews, Mac stories, this is it covered.
And then there's lots of other ones too that are also good.
And I linked to many of those as well, but like some of these reviews, I've read them all the way through others.
I was going to wait till this weekend when I have some downtime, sit on the couch and like really go through it because if you go through a really detailed review like these, you can then, you know, use this with your watch and stuff like that, or with your phone.
So, um, if you feel like going deep in these changes, I recommend this is the place to go.
Max story said a great job this week.
You barely mentioned your vision, but even that got an update.
Uh, this is visionOS 2 for the Apple vision pro, uh, any quick highlights that you, uh, want to jump in?
It's just so nice to hear you talk about looking at some of these photos and even, you know, from the emotional aspect and those of us that are not on the vision yet, you know, are kind of like, Oh, that sounds really nice.
But I can tell when you talk about it, Jeff, it's like, it's, it's really a little visceral like when you see this and, and I can't wait, like one day I'm going to make sure that I could do that.
But, uh, any, any other, uh, big updates about the visionOS, uh, for this week?
My one big statement on visionOS 2 is that it's sort of fun to go back in time as it were and be at the early stages of something again.
You know, we all remember the early stages of the iPhone when they finally added, you know, the app store and they finally added cut and paste.
It's like, you know, how could that, that have been there and likewise with the iPad and the Apple watch and everything else we have all seen.
And if you go back even further than Mac itself, you know, we've all seen these transitions in our lifetime where it's been a major new product and it's sort of fun to see it get its birth.
And that's where we are with the visionOS, you know, visionOS 2 it's everything is so new.
It's such a new platform and everything else that they are adding so many new things.
And a good example of them is, you know, in the first version of visionOS, if you wanted to get to something that's sort of akin to the control center that we were talking about on the iPhone, the way that you would do it is you would look at the top of the screen that there was no screen.
You just look at the top, look up basically.
And you look up and you know, floating above your living room, you would see like this tiny, tiny, tiny little dot.
And if you looked at the dot, you could sort of stare at it and it would open up and it would bring up control panel.
It was a, it was a nice idea.
You know, people coming out with the interface, it was a great first shot.
But then after people have been using it for a while, you know, they said, you know, maybe that's not the best way to do it.
And so in the current version of visionOS, they now have this thing that if you just hold your hand out like this with your palm facing up, suddenly this little dot floats right over your hand and you can tap and it will open up your, like your home screen of your apps.
And that's nice because it means that you don't have to reach up and touch the button.
But what's even better than that is if you take your hand facing up and then you flip it over as if like you had your watch hand, you would flip it over.
That gesture of flipping your hand brings up the control panel and it lets you adjust all sorts of fiddly little details and just volume and other stuff like that.
Or even just see the time.
Sometimes I'll be sitting there in my visionOS world and I just want to see the time real quick and I just put my hand out and put it over and then I could see the time.
And you know, I guess nobody thought about that gesture when they were first coming out with the Apple Vision Pro.
This is, this is all a brand new world, right?
But you know, these things that, you know, I'm sure at one point in the future, like, oh, well of course you just flip your hand over such stuff.
You know, of course you have copy and paste on the iPhone.
You know, of course it, we're still at those early stages.
So I sort of find that fun.
Everything about the Vision Pro is totally beta, totally new world stuff.
And it's fun to see Apple figuring things out over time.
There's lots of other little improvements too.
If you know, you can now, it's easier to see a keyboard while you're doing it.
We talked about the photos improvement.
There's new, there's new environments that you can be in.
This beautiful one called Bora Bora, where you're on the most beautiful beach in the world.
Oh my goodness.
Perfectly blue water that's shimmering and you're on the sand.
And I mean, it's the sort of thing that like, I sometimes will create that environment and try to sit down and get some work done.
And like, just as if I'm at the beach, it's like, why am I doing work?
I should just be sitting here looking at the beach.
It's really, it's nice.
So they've done a nice job with 2.0.
I've heard the one complaint that I've heard is some people have said, this should not have been 2.0.
It should have been 1.5.
It's not enough.
Oh, okay.
Well, say what you're going to say.
Everything else is getting changed in the fall.
So let them go to their 2.0.
It's a lot of new changes.
And I'm sure that Apple is going to have even better ideas in the coming years.
And you know, give it five years.
And I think Apple is going to really have figured out this whole Vision environment.
So we're still in the early days, you know, nice to see stuff come out.
Go ahead.
I've been talking, I've been going through this Mac Stories review.
They've got some excellent, like little tiny short videos.
It's showing, illustrated exactly what you were just talking about there.
This is, this is amazing.
It's just like what you're saying, Jeff.
You're seeing, I think, some of the future components of how we're going to interact with not just computers, but technology in general.
Because you know, even harkening back just exactly kind of what you're saying that I'm thinking like just the idea that we understand about a swipe, like on a screen, it's like that was something brand new for the iPhone when that first came out.
But now everybody adopted it because that has become, those are some of the gestures that we just are intuitive today with whatever device that we pick up.
And I think to your point, you know, some people will probably hear us talk about the Vision Pro and like, okay, you know, that's a expensive toy I'm not going to get.
But what you can continue to harp on Jeff is so good.
It's like this is the, this is truly the future.
Like this is Apple experimenting with probably some of the gestures and some of the ways that we're going to be interacting with technology in the future.
And I, you know, for me that just continues to be exciting on that.
So wow. iOS 18, iPadOS 18, we could do the watchOS, the VisionOS.
There's even like HomePod updates.
I mean, there's everything pretty much got an update, the tvOS and you were linking to some of that as well.
But that's the software side.
How about, can we, I don't want to make this a three hour podcast, but let's go to some of the hardware real quick, right?
Because today is the day if you pre-ordered an iPhone 16, just like you did my friend, or if you got a chance to go to the Apple store, like we were talking about earlier, this is the day that they are coming in.
So new iPhone, new Apple watch.
This was a great review.
I think that you, you put from the verge and Nele here, obviously the gentleman that founded and runs the verge.
This was a really good in-depth review, but man, there's so many out there, lots of YouTube review video reviews from everybody.
But man, so many good things.
I mean, to me, I'm calling this an eye camera.
I did that the other day, but it's like, apparently so many of the updates really focus around the camera.
And the fact that the photos app has been updated, like you were talking about earlier too, I think just kind of emphasizes that a little bit more.
Before I talk about the iPhone, while you were talking, I was just looking for my latest UPS update.
So my status has changed.
My Apple watch has gone from being in the city of New Orleans as of 4 30 this morning to as of eight minutes ago, it was loaded on delivery vehicle.
So it's coming.
But anyway, I'm just going to laugh at that.
Let's talk about the phone on the phone.
So the big thing on the phone is that, you know, I'm holding up my iPhone 15 right here and I'm touching it and nothing's happening, but very soon I'm going to have, in fact, almost the exact same spot where I'm just, there's this thing.
It used to be the SIM, the SIM card.
That's right.
So right around there, I'm going to have a button later on today.
And so what I was curious about is Apple gave, as they do every year, they gave a pre-release versions of the new iPhones and the new Apple watch and everything else to select members of the press.
And so we got a chance to see the reviews and it was been sort of fun this week because like Monday, the new operating systems come out and then Tuesday, I think we saw the watch reviews and then Wednesday, like every day we've got another thing.
And so, but one of the things that came out of course this week where the iPhone reviews and the big thing that I, in fact, it was what I picked at the end of last week's episode of what I was most excited about was the camera button because it's such a major change.
And I was thrilled to see that the early reviews were very, very positive.
Perhaps the only thing that was negative on it is I heard some people say that for the purposes of taking pictures, if you're holding your phone in landscape version, which is what I usually use, they said they wish the button was a little closer to the bottom.
And I think Apple did not do that.
It's because although many of us think it is sacrilegious to use anything but landscape mode, so many of the younger folks hold their phone in portrait mode to take all their, you know, selfie YouTube, TikTok videos.
And for them, if you had put it all the way at the bottom, it would be too far down.
And so it makes, I think that they positioned the button in a way that would make sense for both horizontal and vertical.
But regardless of where the button is, it looks like it's really cool.
I mean, if you pull out your iPhone to take a picture, you press the button and it brings, gets you directly into the camera app.
And then once you're there, you can very quickly press again to take a picture or you can sort of touch without pushing down the button to get all these different features.
You can change, you know, the zoom, you can double sort of double light tap it to bring up menus and stuff.
I mean, I'm going to have to try this out to see what I think about it.
But all of the reviews say that this is really a nice change.
Also I love it.
You know, the Apple, my iPhone has been so fantastic for pictures over the years and it gets better every single year in terms of the quality pictures.
The same is true this year too.
In fact, for example, the both the 16 and the 16 pro lines now use a 48 megapixel for the ultra wide, which means that if you want to have those wide shots, your quality is going to be good just like it was on a regular shot.
Plus that ultra wide camera is what you use for macro shots.
So if you want to get really, really close to get a picture of a leaf or a flower or a bug or something like that, those pictures will be much better quality now than they were before.
And so that's going to be cool as well.
So, you know, I love everything about photography on the iPhone.
I love as, as again, we were just talking about the photos app.
And so I'm really looking forward to this camera button.
I was excited to see that the early reviews were positive.
It's clear though, it is absolutely clear from the reviews that you need time to get used to it.
Even within the review, I heard people like, I think even you let me know, I bet I was talking about this, that like at first it's like, I don't know about this, but then after you try it for a day or two and you're like, now, and again, this is how it's going to be with anything else, right?
There's going to be that transition period.
But my hope is that after a few weeks and certainly after months, it's just going to become secondhand nature.
Anyone that has these new iPhones, of course, they're going to use that camera button and it's going to make it much easier and much faster to take really great pictures.
So super, super excited about that.
And again, we talked about this last week as well.
Is there anything else other than better camera, a little bit faster and that new camera button, if that really excites you, what else is there really that would encourage folks to actually upgrade Jeff?
I mean, I'm not trying to be negative here.
I'm just saying like we talked about this last, I mean, the, the, the premier aspect of think of the iPhone 16 is not here yet, right?
It's the Apple intelligence aspect, which we may be getting some of that in 18.1.
Like we didn't really talk about that with iOS 18 because there's so much else to talk about.
I mean, it's amazing to me that they have that much updates in iOS 18, but we don't even have Apple intelligence yet that hopefully is coming at least some parts of it.
Even next month in October, they're talking about with 18.1 getting released, but anything else on the hardware side, though, I think that's really about it.
It's not much of a change in like the shape and you know, other than it's a little bit of bigger screen.
We talked about that.
But which I'm going to be interested to hear from you next week.
You know, if that, if that point 0.1 inch or so larger screen, if it makes a difference, I think that it probably is going to make a little bit of difference.
You know, you might notice it for a day or so, and then you'll just get used to it until you go back to, you know, if you'd see an older phone or something like that, but anything else in the, in the iPhone hardware that you think is where, I mean, it obviously it's bigger, faster, better cameras, et cetera, just like every, every year.
But I mean, I'm, I'm struggling with this.
I don't know if I should even upgrade Jeff and that's, I'm selfishly asking the question here.
Is there anything else that would push people?
First of all, no question that that camera related functions are the big changes, whether it's the photos button, the camera capture, the camera control itself, or whether it is the other things with the newer processors that allow it to more sophisticated things.
The 48 make a bigger picture, but everything in that photography realm, I do think that's the number one reason to upgrade the number two reason upgrade.
I know that you're referring to the AI stuff as just a software change and you're right, but just remember that the reason that all of the new iPhones can do the upcoming AI stuff is that they all have eight gigabytes of Ram, which only of last year's phones, only the pro models had that.
And so that's really, if you, if you have less than that, I mean, Apple doesn't really advertise how much Ram is on the phone, but we all know that that's truly what it is.
They need that much Ram to do the Apple intelligence features.
So you can say that's a software feature and it is, but it's a software feature you could not do without the hardware.
So that's another hardware change.
I will admit Brett that once you move beyond those two, everything else just gets into the, you know, not really reasons to upgrade.
I mean, we've talked for example, that you can now charge these newest iPhones faster than before you can charge them faster.
You can charge them faster.
You have to have the right MagSafe puck to do it, but which Apple is happy to sell you.
But you know, that's something to the bigger screen is going to be noticeable, you know, and my hope is that it's going to be noticeable without being obnoxious.
And I say that if somebody that's the max one, you know, the max screen is bigger than ever before.
So when I'm looking at the screen, that sounds really cool.
My hope is that because of the reduced bezel size, it doesn't make the overall phone size so big that I'm like, this is obnoxious.
I got to return it.
So we shall see.
And I'll have more to say on that starting today when I have it in my hands.
So that is going to be another physical change, but you're right.
Those are the changes.
So it's on the one hand, it's huge because Apple intelligence has the potential to be so big and the camera button, the camera control is such a huge, I mean, adding an additional button on the side of an iPhone is not something that the company does lightly.
So on the one hand, these are big deals.
On the other hand, if you're trying to decide to upgrade, especially for someone like you, Brett, that's got last year's phone.
In fact, you have the pro, right?
So you don't need the Apple.
I do.
You've already got the extra RAM for the Apple intelligence for you.
And you probably don't.
I mean, not that you wouldn't appreciate the faster charging and the bigger battery and sure that, but you probably don't need it.
It's maybe more of like a nice to have.
So for you and for other people in your boat, Brett, it's really just going to be the question of the photography stuff.
And you know, that photography stuff, it's going to be there the next year too.
So this could be one that you decide I'm going to enjoy the fact that 15 can do all the AI stuff and play with that for the next year.
And then maybe wait a second year to upgrade that.
That's your decision.
Or, you know, if you're like me, for me, it's because of the money that I can usually get for the trade and everything else.
It's just, you know, it's not that it doesn't cost nothing.
It does.
I do spend real money every year on getting a new iPhone, but I find that I love taking pictures enough that playing with all the new, you know, for me, it does make a difference.
And but that's just me and everybody's got to be different on that.
So I love this in the Nelly's review here.
He's got several comparison photos.
It's the picture, but then it's got a slider so that you can compare what the picture looks like.
He's got here the 15 Pro Max versus the 16 Pro Max.
And he admits the differences here are so subtle, but the newer phone, the 16 Pro Max, he says it boosts the shadows just a little bit.
I mean, I love it when they when they put pictures like this, because you can kind of see, you know, almost the same picture and then you've got sort of this comparison there.
But then on that quickly, I just wanted you linked to another story where somebody who was the Austin man, Austin man.
He has done several.
I mean, anytime there's a new phone and he's a professional photographer, he went to Kenya.
Apparently, this is the iPhone 16 Pro camera, not the Max, but it looks like just the pro he's in Kenya.
And some of these pictures are just breathtaking.
This is just amazing what he's doing.
I mean, right here, look at these pictures.
It's like, yeah, I need to upgrade just just for the very fact of what he's got here.
I mean, this is just really great, spectacular.
I'll make sure we link to it in the show notes.
They're fantastic.
Now, to be fair, you could probably give Austin man a Fisher Price camera and he would come back with pictures that are better than you've ever taken your entire life.
But nevertheless, if you also give him the latest and greatest camera, he will come up with some stunning, stunning pictures.
And so for many, many years now, Apple has been smart enough to give Austin man pictures and let him go with it.
And right.
He comes back with pictures like this that are just jaw dropping.
They're like, wow, the thing that's amazing, I can take a picture like that.
My goodness.
OK, that's the iPhone, but there's a new watch as well.
You're going to get a new Apple Watch 10 as well.
OK, so again, we don't have three more hours to talk about this, but what are the things that you are excited about on the Apple Watch 10?
I am excited about the the bigger display, which is something that I am using on the ultra.
I'm currently right ultra to right now.
I like that big display.
I like seeing a little bit more on it.
And I'm looking forward to that in a regular size watch.
But what I'm very much looking for is something that, you know, even the Apple Watch nine versus the ultra for me.
And I know that I know that you feel differently, but for me was worth it just to be thinner.
And so to have something that is the thinnest Apple Watch ever.
I mean, they've been making Apple watches for almost 10 years now, and this is going to be the thinnest Apple Watch ever.
I think that that's going to be really pleasant for something that you're wearing 24/7 or just about 24/7 everyday life, because most of us, you know, my iPhone is usually with me, my iPads often with me.
But my Apple Watch is pretty much always with me always.
Unless I'm in the shower and shaving.
I mean, otherwise it's always there.
And so for me, having something that has a big screen, but it's even thinner, it just seems more elegant.
So I'm looking forward to that.
I'm looking forward to see what I think about titanium because I, you know, I, I've recently tried the Apple Watch nine with the aluminum case and the aluminum case it, you know, and I say, this is something I have always used a stainless steel case from state one.
And so to switch from the stainless steel to the aluminum, I did notice it was a little bit lighter and I'm like, Oh, that's actually sort of, I mean, I'm not saying it's a major thing, but it's sort of like a little thing you notice.
And so what I'm looking forward to trying with the, with the stainless, excuse me, with the titanium, because I've never had a titanium watch before.
I know they've made them in the past, but that tech, you know, the reason that titanium was such a big deal when it came to the iPhone is it's super strong, but it's light and that was a big deal for the phone to make it lighter.
And so likewise, again, I don't consider the weight of the Apple Watch as big of a deal, but to have something that's both bigger and thinner and lighter, you sort of feel like they're defying gravity somehow there.
So defying the laws of physics somehow there, like how, how is this?
So we'll see now on the other hand, from a purely aesthetic standpoint, I have always loved the shiny stainless steel.
I'll have to see what I think of the titanium.
I think it's a polished titanium, so it's going to be a little shiny, but I'm just going to have to see if it's, if it's a material that I like to look at.
I like the look of as much as a stainless steel, but I don't have a choice this year because Apple's no longer selling a stainless steel, at least not this year.
Maybe they'll come back with it later.
Or maybe if the titanium is really successful, this may be the high end version of the case that they've had for years.
So again, you don't need to get that.
I mean, you can still get that, that, that much cheaper, save a couple hundred dollars, get the aluminum Apple Watch, and that's perfectly fine.
But if you want something that's a little bit more high end.
And for me, I think it's worth it because it's Apple Watch is very functional for me, but it's also like the only real jewelry that I have, except for my wedding ring.
So you know, I want something to look, I at least appreciate it being nice.
Others can be straight.
So those are the big features for the Apple 10 and the initial reviews have been positive.
They've said that, you know, it seems nice.
It's definitely sleeker.
But again, these are, you know, on the one hand, they're minor changes.
And the other hand, the Apple Watch doesn't change that often.
And so to have both a bigger screen and the thinnest ever Apple Watch, I mean, in terms of what kinds of changes we've seen for the last decade with the Apple Watch, those are pretty, pretty big changes.
I like this, the review from the Verge you link to by Victoria Song, and she calls the Apple Watch 10 a more wearable Ultra.
In other words, isn't it?
I mean, I like that because you're right.
I mean, I'm honestly a little tempted here because I love the Ultra.
And by the way, you know, it's been titanium.
And I have always long enjoyed the fact that it does.
It's never felt heavy on my wrist.
You know, I really appreciate that because I've had heavy watches in the past, but the Ultra has always been great for me on that.
But the bigger screen, like the Watch 10 is going to have just as big of a screen, maybe even a little bit bigger, right, than my Ultra, just because of the way that it's, I mean, I would love to probably have a thinner watch, just like to your point.
And you know, you've had the Ultra now, so you know that there's going to be a difference.
I would love that to be just a little bit thinner.
And I'm a little tempted with the Apple Watch 10.
I feel like I don't, I feel like it would be a downgrade.
So that's like that's tripping me up because I'm like, I'm going to go from an Ultra to a regular Apple Watch.
And I think I'm just tripping myself up on that because it seems like this could probably pack as good of a punch as what I have in my Ultra, other than the fact that may not be quite as robust.
But you know, I'm not like mountain climbing all the time.
So I don't know, I've been very tempted on this.
I thought I think Apple has really done a very good job on some of this aspect.
And just even some of the components on here, like the the speaker, like you can play music on here now.
Can I now am I going to be able to do that on my old Ultra?
I don't think so, because they have new speakers, right?
But if you have an Ultra 2, if you have the Ultra 2 that came out last year, you actually can do it.
And I've actually tried that, because I'm wearing an Ultra 2 right now.
And earlier this week, I was I was just in the kitchen and I left my AirPods upstairs.
And I was and I was like, oh, you know, I want to keep listening to that podcast.
And so I just I just did it.
I just hit play.
And I could sit there and I could listen to the podcast on my Apple Watch.
And I'm like, this is pretty like there was you know, I'm obviously not going to do if there's people around me because you don't want to be that guy that's obnoxious.
But but nobody else was around and I played it.
And I'm like, this is something really nice.
So I'm looking forward to that.
I like that.
The you know, there's going to be some very, very interesting reviews starting soon, starting today of Ultra 2, which is just a little bit better than the Ultra 1 that you have versus Apple Watch 10.
Because I want to see that.
I mean, as that phrase that you just read out, what did you say?
A more a more wearable, more wearable Ultra.
Yeah, it used to be clear that the Ultra was the leader of the pack.
Unless it was too big for you, it was the most features like it was the rugged watch, the really rugged one.
But it was also the most features, the most battery life, the most everything, the biggest screen.
But now Apple has made that now that there's a fork in the road, you know, you can go the Ultra route, but you could instead go the Watch 10 route.
And there's going to be some advantages that the Watch 10 has, the Series 10 that the Ultra doesn't have.
And of course, there's some advantages that the Ultra has, like the super, super long battery life that the Watch 10, the Series 10 doesn't have.
So you know, there is a true decision this year, and there really is no right answer.
It just depends upon what you want.
And so I see why you say to go from the Ultra to the Apple Watch Series 10.
It's more of a, it's not, I suspect the conclusion is going to be, it's more of a side change than going up or going down.
It's like you're giving up some features, but you're adding some features.
So it's going to be an interest.
And again, for people that are just, that if you have like an Apple Watch 6 or 7, you know, that you've, that you're really ready for an upgrade.
No question, right.
It's, you need to take some time to think about it.
And I look forward to writing my review and offering my thoughts after I've used it for a while of what I think about the direction.
I mean, obviously I made the choice to go Series 10 instead of Ultra 2, but we'll see, you know, it's, it's an, it's a really interesting.
I'm excited to hear.
I mean, even Victoria here, she said she picked the Ultra over the Series 9 because she liked the bigger display, made reading text and notifications easier.
And she says, I was apprehensive about making the switch to the 42 millimeter Series 10, but she's like, I, turns out I was worried for nothing.
Like she apparently did that, did that downgrade.
I hate to use that.
It's not even a downgrade.
Like she made that switch to the change and she seems to be very happy with that.
Anyway, okay, we'll, we'll, we'll be talking about that a little bit more because I'm not convinced, but I'm so excited to hear from you next week on how that's, how that's going to go with the, the new Apple watch 10.
Let's round out quickly.
Cause I know we got to, there's so much more we can be talking about, but just so that people know the AirPods 4 is also available today.
This is not the pro, this is the AirPods 4 that we heard, you know, it was a little bit of a surprise.
It, it, to me, it comes with a little bit of disappointment cause I wanted an AirPods pro update and we didn't get that, which is okay.
We got hearing aids.
That's good.
But if you are interested in the AirPods, the AirPods non pro, the AirPods 4 is out.
And it looks like that if you get the noise canceling, this is also the confusion.
There's like a regular, regular version for $129.
And if you pay $50 more, you get noise canceling in the AirPods 4.
Sounds like people are saying it's good enough.
It's not as good if you had the pro, but it's good enough if you wanted to up your game for $50 extra.
My summary, you know how Apple intelligence can summarize things.
What's one of the features it can do?
It can summarize it.
Like the, the, the Jeff, the Jeff, I not the AI, the Jeff, I summary of the Apple of the AirPods 4 reviews is this.
If you're looking to buy AirPods for somebody for a gift, you know, you're giving one to your, for your cousin for a bar mitzvah or something like that.
It's nice that you can get a relatively inexpensive, what is it?
$129 AirPods 4.
They're, they're nice.
It's got a small case.
They do the jobs that AirPods have always done.
They're better than before because the shape has actually improved that it's going to work for more ears than ever before.
It's a great area.
If you're getting them for yourself and you want to splurge a tiny bit, you know, you can spend the extra 50 bucks, which I think it is.
And you can get the high end version of the AirPods 4 with the noise cancellation.
And the reviews that I've read have unanimously said, my goodness, it's amazing.
It works this well.
But it's still not as good as the, the air, the AirPods pro, which is what I'm using right now, nor could it be because the AirPods pro completely fill your ear canal.
So that's right.
That, that almost have a hardware keeping out the noise in addition to the software with the seal.
With the seal.
So you don't have a seal with traditional AirPods, but with, even without the seal, people have said, gosh, you know, this noise reduction, it's better than I would have expected.
It's really nice.
So if you're getting them for yourself and you want to splurge a little bit, but not quite enough to get the pros, then yeah, you know, get the extra money in the AirPods 4, but it's nice to have these, these, it's nice to have these two options.
I still think the name's a little confusing.
I think it would have made more sense if they called it the AirPods, the AirPods 4 and the 4 plus or something like that.
Because otherwise you can tell by looking at them because the case is a little bit bigger, but I mean, just from the name alone, it's a little confusing.
Did I get the ones with the active noise cancellation or did I not get the ones with the active noise cancellation?
But that's just sort of a marketing thing on the name is otherwise, I mean, it's a solid upgrade at, you know, Apple, you know, over the years, they're going to come out with better AirPods over time.
This is the latest generation of the nice AirPods.
So if you're splurging, like what you were saying there, Jeff, and you're at 179, why not spend then at that point, go up a little bit more, right?
Because they're the AirPods pro to go on sale regularly for just right under $200.
And I feel like if you're going to do that splurge side, I'm like, why, why have that difference?
I don't know.
I, I'm just a little confused at the way they did.
And you're right.
Like, why would they confuse people so much?
Like this picture right here, like you said, you could tell the case is a little bit different, but if you don't have the other case to compare it to, then you're, there's no way that you know which kind of AirPods, you know, and I guess maybe that's personal for people when they, when they get it.
But if you are interested, I like, I like the Jeff, the Jeff AI summary.
That's, that's really good.
I think that's a good way to put it on there.
I, we, we, we got to wrap it up and I feel like maybe we'll include something special announcement a little bit later.
If you get a delivery, where's it?
It's not at the office yet.
It's still, still on its way.
So if we hang up and it shows up here in a minute or two, I'll, I'll, I'll get you back.
Oh, we're going to jump on.
Don't, don't, don't have it as of yet.
So, okay.
So here's like non iOS 18, non iPhone 16 news, but this is good because you know, I'm a big fan of this.
Apple is also introducing additional state driver's license.
That'll be in the Apple wallet, which, you know, I would have been talking about this for a little bit.
Ohio just came on board maybe a month or so ago.
And I have just really appreciated and liked having that in now, in addition to the other, I think, so Ohio made a six States I think, or maybe just five, but now we're getting California which, which is a huge deal.
I think somebody was teasing about this before.
Like we knew this was coming on board.
I love these like very silent things, these updates on here.
And I mean, to me, it's just inevitable.
We're going to have all the States unless somebody has a holdout of some kind, but it's like, it's just so great to be able to have this access and have it within the Apple wallet.
You know, I continue to just enjoy the Apple wallet so much, and I'm glad that this is coming on board too.
Very convenient.
So as of this week, you can use your driver's license in California and in this press release, Apple also teased, and I don't think this had been announced before this week that the next States are going to be Montana, New Mexico, West Virginia.
So if you live in West Virginia, New Mexico, or Montana, sometime soon, you'll be able to join the party as well.
You did this for the state of Ohio, right, Brett?
I did.
Can I ask a question?
I saw Apple has a little video in their press release that explains how you do it.
And they say that you take your iPhone and you take a picture of the front of your driver's license, the back of your driver's license.
And then for security purposes, they said in this little video that you do this thing where you take a picture of your face and the side of your face, and then you submit that to the state and someone looks at it and says thumbs up.
Is that how it worked in Ohio too?
That's exactly how it works.
So whoever the governing body, the DMV or whatever, for the motor vehicles, it's like you have to confirm that this is your driver's license.
And somehow they've got this automated to where, yes, I had to take pictures of my face and I had to say, this is me.
So you're literally connecting with whatever the Bureau of Motor Vehicles or whatever for your particular state.
For me, it was pretty quick.
I think it came back within a couple of hours or so that somebody had to click confirm.
Like, yes, this is the same guy from the driver's license and that took the picture.
So I don't know.
I'm sure there's a way that people are trying to scam through this or so.
But for me, it seemed like it was very secure.
I didn't have any concern to worry about it and it showed me that I actually submitted it to the DMV in Ohio and it even told me it was pending at the time.
So you can go back into the app and it'll tell you that it's pending.
And then finally, you'll get the approval and it just comes up as like a notification like anything else from the Apple wallet.
And like I said, it was really easy.
And so somebody just click confirm.
Yeah, this is the right guy.
And then it was in and available.
Really cool stuff.
I think that's it for now.
I'm not in the know, but I'm going to reserve some time, Jeff.
So in case you get special deliveries today, we'll jump back on and talk a little bit more today.
But thanks everybody for listening and hopefully we'll have a little addition.
So stay tuned.
Well, welcome back through the magic of modern audio technology.
We have been gone for a little bit, but we are back because Jeff, you have something that is shiny and new in your hand.
What have you done now?
So I still don't have my Apple watch 10.
It probably won't be delivered for the end of the day.
But what I do have is the brand new iPhone.
Yeah, it was on its way.
And can you tell which one is the iPhone?
It's tough.
It's very tough.
No, no, no.
I cannot.
So what I have in my hand right now is the 16 Pro Max.
And in my other hand, I have my 15 Pro Max.
I just picked it up and I've literally just started, I mean, I unboxed it minutes ago and I'm just starting to look at it.
And lots of thoughts.
So excited.
Let me say this first, Brett, my concern that I voiced to you maybe today, but certainly last week was since the last year Pro Max model was so big and it's the first time I'd ever gotten a big phone before.
I was a little concerned since this one's even bigger and I forget how much more it is.
Is it 0.2 or something like that?
I'm like, oh, I don't know.
But I will tell you the, it's fine.
Let me just jump to the end.
It's fine.
And the reason I say it's fine is because although the screen is noticeably better, which I'll get to in a second, the actual case, like it's hard for me to hold them up close to each other.
They're, they're basically, I mean, I guess there's a microscopic difference in size, but there's no, without holding them right up next to each other, there's no way from the outer case that you can tell that the brand new one is, is any bigger than the old one.
I mean, it is bigger, but it's just such a minor, minor, you know, it's just big enough that I don't think some cases are going to fit.
Although ironically, I did see somebody when I got my phone who was using his 15 Pro Max case for his 16 Pro Max.
You're not really supposed to do that, but they're so close that you could almost get away with it.
Again, you don't want to do that because it's going to cover up the buttons, but that just gives you a sense of how close they are.
On the other hand, when you're not just holding them side by side, if I'm actually looking at a picture on both screens at once, you can definitely tell that there's more space.
You can definitely tell side by side.
So if I'm looking at a smaller bezel, you can see like, if I'm looking at the same photograph on the two next to each other.
Now again, you're not often going to have the two iPhones next to each other, but the point is just like, is there enough screen space?
Is there enough additional screen space to notice it?
Yeah, there is.
And again, it's not going to be the end of the world.
I mean, maybe it's an extra line on emails or something like that.
I mean, it's not going to be the be all end all, especially for something as big as a big phone.
But, you know, if Apple can make the usable screen bigger by reducing the bezels, I'm all for it.
If Apple can increase the overall size just a little bit, just a tiny bit that you don't really notice that totally fine.
So that, that might bug concern of whether I'm going to have to return this thing because it's too darn big.
I mean, I can already tell you in the first five minutes, no, this is going to be fine.
So most importantly, it passes your shirt pocket test.
It does pass the shirt pocket test.
I can put it in the shirt pocket and it is totally fine.
And you're fine.
Okay, good, good.
I know that was, that's important.
Indeed, indeed.
So I guess the second big thing, go ahead.
I mean, like I can't get over, you just said you saw somebody using their 15 case on the 16 because it's just so you said it covers up the new camera button.
The 15 case would, okay.
Anyway, whoever that is, I hope, I hope you get a new case soon.
But go ahead, Jeff.
He was just in the store and I could tell that he had it and it was just something he had and he was just trying to figure out.
Right, right.
The other thing is, you know, the big change is this camera control and this is really interesting.
So if you have your current iPhone and you just feel what any of the buttons, you know, whether it's the volume button or anything, the power button, if you just press that and you know how that feels, that clicky feel.
Imagine that exact same feel with one big difference.
The difference is that the button itself is flush.
So if I run my finger across the top of the iPhone, I can just barely tell where it is.
But once I'm on the button and I press it, it feels very similar, you know, because it's like a half height or something like that.
It's not exactly the same, but it does have the satisfying feel of clicking a button.
The difference, of course, is that when you click it, it opens up very quickly the camera app.
So right now I'm taking a picture of you.
And then when I press it again, I'm just now, I've literally just taken your picture.
I'm glad you were smiling.
And that's it.
So that part is really cool.
And I can totally see getting used to this.
The other thing that's interesting is, you know, when I'm holding the picture, I can see right underneath my finger, this little strip that sort of shows the slider.
I can see that I can go to 2X, I can go to 5X.
So now you're really zoomed in, Brett.
Wow, look how nice you look.
You might want to put something next to your mouth there.
So that is really nice.
And the idea that you can do it all right there with your finger and then press the button to take the picture without having to like take the phone away from your face, go from the 2X to the 1X to the 5X, whatever.
That's actually pretty cool.
I like the idea that you can do that in your hand.
And then the really pro feature is that if you, with a pretty good tap, just don't push in, but with a good tap, you know, bang, bang.
If you bang, bang on it, then it gets into a mode where you can switch between, you know, the zoom mode, the camera mode, the exposure mode, the different things that we're all used to playing around with, you know, the F-stop, the depth, the exposure.
And so it's nice that I can actually change one of those and then swipe back and forth and make adjustments all again while I'm still looking at everything in the viewfinder.
So it's sort of like, for example, changing exposure.
It's a really nice thing that I'm just sliding back and forth and I can instantly see the effect of changing the exposure on what the picture is going to be.
Of course, you can change exposure afterwards too, but that's an interesting thing.
And the same thing for zoom.
So I like that.
And in fact, there's actually two zoom features, which I don't think I realized.
One of them is just sort of the regular zoom feature that I can, it says for this camera 1x, 2x, 5x, but I can zoom as much as I want.
If I wanted to zoom to two and a half or 3.4, I could totally do that.
So that's the one zoom function, but the other zoom function, it's right next to it.
It looks like a circle with little, you're showing it on your screen right now.
It's called the camera, I think.
And that one's a little different because it locks into, it's called cameras.
And so it locks into 1x, 2x, or on the, on the, the max or the big one, the 5x.
And what I like about that is I tell you the truth.
Don't want to take a picture in 4.4 because I know that if I'm taking a picture at 4.4, what I'm really doing is using the 5x lens and just cropping in.
If I'm going to crop the picture, I'll probably do that afterwards, you know, but what I do want to do is I want to know, am I using the regular 1x lens?
Am I in the 0.5 mode?
Am I in the 5x mode?
Those are literally different cameras.
And so I like the idea that they give you a choice.
Do you want to slide in and out continuously or do you want your finger to switch between the different lenses?
And I think that many times I'm going to want to actually switch between lenses and then I'll take the picture.
I can crop it appropriately and stuff like that.
So that's an interesting thing that I did not, it didn't even occur to me that there are two different functions.
So just quickly on the, on the other iPhones, they're not the, my 15 pro I do it.
When I opened the camera, I've got a 0.5, 1x, 2 and 3.
So in other words, you know, I could just tap on one of those to go into that, into that zoom mode.
But then also if I tap and hold on there, I can't, there's a little wheel that comes up and I can go back and forth.
So you're saying, so those, those are the similar things that you're talking about.
So the wheel or on your old iPhone, if you just pinch with, you know, you can pinch in with your hands.
Yeah, that's right.
That's right.
Or pinching your fingers.
That is like this zoom feature on the camera control.
On the 0.5, tapping on the number one, tapping on the number two, tapping on the number five.
That is akin to the cameras.
The little camera.
That helps.
So again, it's something that you've always had the option, which is now you have that option right underneath your finger, which is pretty cool.
That's really nice.
So right off the bat, I can tell you're a fan of this camera control.
I don't even want to call it a button.
We talked about this last time.
It's not a button, right?
It's almost like a trackpad.
And you know, I'm going to have to play with it.
Brett, it feels like it's an okay spot.
I mean, I agree that maybe if it was a little closer to the bottom of the phone, that would be fine, but it's okay where it is.
But you know, and I have to, so I have to ask, I like the fact that it's smooth and level, but then if it's, is that difficult?
Because sometimes, I mean, I guess you're going to be holding it so you can see the button, but you know what I like about the volume button, sometimes it's in my pocket or you know, not that I'd be taking a picture of my pocket, but I, in other words, I can feel where the buttons are.
And in this case, you may have to look at it a little bit to know exactly what you're doing.
I mean, I feel like you're going to get muscle memory to that.
You can get muscle memory and sort of feel the edges.
And the reason that you want it to be flat is when you're changing modes.
I mean, technically all you need to do is slide across the button, but the button is only, I don't know what that is.
Maybe an inch long or something like that.
It's not very long.
That's what it looks like.
When I'm switching, when I'm swiping, it's actually nicer to like swipe across the entire phone.
And you know that it's, it's only while I'm on top of the camera control that it's even, you know, but so you would, you really, you would not want to have a bump on your finger every time you slide back and forth.
I gotcha.
You're right.
With the side of the phone.
That Apple, they did it for a reason.
So now, so when, so that's tap, there's tap, tap, and then there's tap and hold, right?
The tap and hold goes into the video.
Is that right?
Have you had a chance to take some videos?
So I'm doing that right now.
I tapped and held and I'm now videoing you video me.
Are you, do you have to hold the, do you have to continue to hold the button down or can you release it?
And it, okay.
I released it when you released it.
And it stopped.
And then if I start pressing it again, it goes right on back up again.
Although I guess this is probably a separate video.
So this is a new video that it started counting from zero, one, two, three.
So it's nice to be able to jump into video real fast if you, if you need to do that.
Although I did, did I read just somewhere?
Or maybe we talked about it this morning.
Like I guess maybe in the new camera or with iOS 18, there should be a pause function on the yeah.
You're shaking your head.
I just think that would be cool.
If I literally go into the video mode and I start recording.
So now I've pressed it down and I'm recording you a one, two.
So if I pause recording at three seconds and then I start recording again, now, no, it looks like it's starting all over again.
I'll have to, I'll have to read into it.
I think there is a way to pause and continue.
I haven't, I haven't researched how to do that yet.
So in that slide, so again, on the camera control in the slider, cause you know, when I open my camera, I always have to glance down to the bottom to see, am I taking a photo, a video, a portrait, a pano, you know, all those options.
Like, so instead of me having to swipe back and forth at the bottom of my camera now, is the camera control button there, it allows you to select which mode at some point, I bet there's gotta be a way to do.
I'm not sure about that.
I understand what you're asking, but I think by default it's in photo.
And if I hold down, it's taking a video.
And then if I let go, it's no longer taking a video and now I can click to take photos.
So I guess it stays in photo mode except for if you hold down, it's in video mode, which is actually sort of nice.
I can hold down for video and then if I want to stop taking a video and then immediately take a photo right after that, I, you know, I can do that all on my hand.
So I'm just thinking like sometimes I like to take a picture, but then, you know, I might want to try a portrait at the same time.
Like with the kids, I might take a general picture, right?
And then I'm going to try a portrait or something like that.
And I have to like stop it.
I have to like tap the actual mode.
And I'm just wondering if you have the ability, I mean, I know you just have had it for a little while there, but those are, these are things that we'd like for you to report back by next week.
Keep in mind why they're bright.
I was just going to say on portrait mode, the old days used to be that you have to decide beforehand if you're taking a regular picture or a portrait.
That's right.
But nowadays, even if you take a regular picture, the camera records all the depth information.
So you could change it into a portrait picture afterwards.
So yeah.
Good idea on that.
Anything else?
First impressions?
I mean, we got this, I want to know about the screen and I'm a little nicely surprised that you can tell that there is a little bit, even with the bezels.
I mean, again, you're, you know, you're going to recognize that if you pick up a different phone, like you said, you're comparing it to your 15 max right now and you can just see that.
But I mean, I like that.
Even point two is enough to know there is a difference.
When you see someone across a room, you're not going to be able to instantly tell if they have a 16 pro max or a 15 pro max because the camera control is so hard to really see unless you're pretty close.
And likewise, the size difference is so similar.
So it's not like you'll notice it, you know, from across the room, but when you're using it yourself, it's a nice little improvement.
You need a sticker, like an I voted sticker.
Like, no, I have, this is a 16 by the way.
So everybody now, you know.
Well, look, that was a quick little update.
I mean, I'm going to be using it next week.
I'll have a lot more to say about it next weekend when we record, but fun to be able to talk about it.
So now I just can't wait for the new series to watch.
And hopefully a review, you'll be doing a review I'm guessing by next week or at least by the podcast time, we'll have some additional stuff to talk about.
Thanks Jeff for jumping back on and recording sort of, I wanted to say it's an unboxing, but it's really just a revealing of the brand new.
There's the box.
Okay, good.
There's the box.
All right.
Thanks for joining us again, everybody.
We appreciate it.
And Jeff, I'm very excited that we'll be talking with you next week.
Thanks, Brad.